Here-Now-TV Satsang videos and Interviews online
Here-Now-TVLived Wisdom!

Here-Now-TV is a site for satsang videos, live satsangs and interviews with spiritual teachers. Here-Now-TV is part of the German site Jetzt-TV ( The videos presented on Here-Now-TV are mostly in English and German, some are completely in English. For those who understand German we recommend to visit the German page since many more videos are available there. Jetzt-TV is also updated more frequently.

Next Live-Streams:


Samarpan-Meditation:  Daily except Monday at 6 p.m. and 8.30 p.m.. In Englisch:  every Wednesday at 7. p.m. exchange of experienceand around 7.50 p.m. meditation.


Sundays with Gopal, for more information please klick here and to the ticket shop please click here....


Live-Video-Chat via Zoom with Andreas Müller in English please check  at Visit Website his homepage. 


Online Meetings with Isaac Shapiro every Tuesday and Sunday at 11 am CEST / 7 pm AEST. For more  information click here.


Live Talks with Watch the videoLisa Cairns almost every Wed and Sunday at 6pm (GMT+1).

Online Satsang with Soham  for more information please click hiere.


Zoom-Meetings with John David for the date please check information here.


Online-Satsang via Zoom mit Gaia in English for more information click here.


Live-Video-Chat with Anushree please check at here hompage.


Donations are welcome and necessary! Thanks.


Please note, no live streams currently on our front page, watch live streams over Webstream or on the subpage.


Dhyan Mikael: Life without Thoughts – how the impossible becomes possible.

This video by Dhyan Mikael is from September 30, 2024, thank you for that. Watch the video...

Dhyan Mikael about this video: One might think that it's the thoughts what holds life together: without them, everything seems uncertain, lost, almost unbearable. This is why the actual truth is unimaginable: that without thoughts, all problems and sufferings disappear – and that Heaven only exists without thoughts.

Dhyan Mikael: Feel the feelings, come to our own center and direct our attention there

German with English and German subtitles
German Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of September 19, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: Grief is the medicine. Making peace with your own limitations. Doing nothing in meditation. How to become a disciple of Swamiji? Support me if it gives you joy. Don't look how far the darkness goes. On being willing to be wrong. Do what you yourself are at peace with. You can't help your son.

Dhyan Mikael: Unrecognized Diamond – choose what noone wants.

This video by Dhyan Mikael is from September 19, 2024, thank you for that. Watch the video...

Dhyan Mikael about this video: You don't know why you should meditate: this emptiness seems so useless, while everything in the world seems so important, urgent and valuable. It takes a hero who is able to choose what no one wants. And you can be that hero.

Dhyan Mikael: Freedom and Suffering – how to leave your hell and reach Heaven.

This video by Dhyan Mikael is from August 28, 2024, thank you for that. Watch the video...

Dhyan Mikael about this video: Many people feel like prisoners in the dead-end street of suffering: it is getting worse and worse, and there is no way out in sight. And yet, each of us is free to leave the self-chosen hell at any time. The door out opens in an unexpected direction.

Dhyan Mikael: The one Wish that counts – about manifesting, ego and happiness.

This video by Dhyan Mikael is from August 27, 2024, thank you for that. Watch the video...

Dhyan Mikael about this video: There are many who promise you that you can be the creator of your own life once you have seen through your ego. This is true, and yet you are lying to yourself, because you will never achieve the one thing you really want – but there is a way.

Dhyan Mikael: The path of your own inner experience

German with English and German subtitles
German Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of August 21, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: Don't believe, but experience it for yourself. The deceased twin sister. The narcissistic mother. No more waiting for the answer. Is stubbornness part of the ego? Amazed and helpless carried by life. Meditate without automatically being a disciple. Impossible not to take it personally. The End of Paradise. What happens in Satsang. Feeling the suppressed feelings of others. What costs energy is the fight against it. Relief from a guilty conscience. Fear of the dentist.

Dhyan Mikael: Path without Rules – the great freedom of Samarpan Meditation.

This video by Dhyan Mikael is from August 21, 2024, thank you for that. Watch the video...

Dhyan Mikael about this video: Samarpan Meditation is free and has no rules, and yet many people say that they feel repelled by the many rules and instructions. I explain why this happens and talk about the three ways out of the trap of our ego.

Dhyan Mikael: The Freedom that I mean – how your Yes transforms life.

This video by Dhyan Mikael is from August 6, 2024, thank you for that. Watch the video...

Dhyan Mikael about this video: When a Saint speaks of Heaven, it sounds so easy and at the same time incomprehensible and provocative. I invite you to experience for yourself what happens when you simply do what these people are talking about: how everything changes – through your Yes.

Dhyan Mikael: Letting life carry us

German with English and German subtitles
Dhyan Mikael at the One Spirit Festival 2024 - Satsang of August 3, 2024, 10 AM. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: I still do everything wrong. The great longing for a simple life. At every moment a product of the environment. The homework: making peace with oneself. The gift of openness. The Guru – the most normal person in the world. How does surrender work? The Guru's disciples are stupid. About the introduction to Samarpan Meditation. Should I really live out everything? Spirituality is something completely normal.

Dhyan Mikael: Simply accepting everything we encounter with gratitude is the big turnaround.

German with English and German subtitles
German Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of July 24, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: Expanding consciousness despite old karma? Is everything predetermined by the Divine? How do you know? Colleague karma. The collective guilt of masculinity. Separation is like a death. Feeling without an 'I' sense. Doing that with which you can be happy. Don't take guilt personally. Support me if it gives you joy. When God has abandoned you. Don't tell God how to help. About the introduction to Samarpan Meditation.

Dhyan Mikael: You have to walk the Path yourself – on determination, illusion and shortcuts.

This video by Dhyan Mikael is from July 22, 2024, thank you for that. Watch the video...

Dhyan Mikael about this video: Nothing is easier than meditating, and yet everything else seems to be more important, better or faster. There is something that dies when you meditate and the problems disappear. All you need is determination, and everything changes.

Dhyan Mikael: God's image?

German with English and German subtitles
God's image? - Mona Lange in conversation with Dhyan Mikael, July 5, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: Living two hundred percent. This wrong life is the help. No one wants peace. Blessed times – it has never been easier. Finding out how the Saint became holy. 99% is impossible, 100% is easy. Life is a magical fairy tale. The invisible magic of life. Heaven is at hand.

Dhyan Mikael: Going inwards, that's where peace grows, that's where the light grows, only there

German with English and German subtitles
Live Chat Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of July 2, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: Distinguishing feelings and stories. Accompanying children into growing up. What to do with neediness? Be grateful and forget her. Were 6 years of meditation in vain? Holding oneself. Paralyzed by contact anxiety and rage. Everything remains difficult – what else can I do? Saying yes to war, pain and misery?

Dhyan Mikael: Closer than close – Why a Guru solves all of your problems.

This video by Dhyan Mikael is from June 25, 2024, thank you for that. Watch the video...

Dhyan Mikael about this video: A Guru is not a person, but a phenomenon – one that people either want to be as far away from or as close to as possible. I tell you what the Guru is really about and why he changes your life completely and solves all your problems.

The Sinking-In Festial 10. - 14. Juli 2024 Weitersroda Castle in Hildburghausen Germany

Coming together as a community of Finders we will generously share our wisdom and our methods, our love, our stillness, our joy and our awareness. Let’s deepen and expand our experience of Fundamental Wellbeing into new dimensions. Interviews mit den TeilnehmerInnen und Questions & Answers,      Watch the videos...

Dhyan Mikael: The Price of Heaven – about original trust, ego, and the meaning of life.

This video by Dhyan Mikael is from June 21, 2024, thank you for that. Watch the video...

Dhyan Mikael about this video: To be carried by life and to trust is only possible without ego, but we cannot give it up. That's why life rushes to our aid – with precisely those situations and feelings that we want to avoid. Only a yes is necessary.

Dhyan Mikael: Focusing on the inner, the unknown

German with English and German subtitles
Live Chat Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of June 13, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: The Master's Gift. Wanting children and wedding stress. Criticism by the partner. Trusting distrust. The Guru changes your life. The weakness of men. Yawning during meditation. Different souls or just one soul? Nothing changes for me. The Story of the Seed. Tears and self-pity. From the wedding feast: how to meet the Guru.

Dhyan Mikael: Being wrong

German with English and German subtitles
Being wrong - Interview with Dhyan Mikael by Mona Lange of June 7, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: I don't feel wrong. The root of being wrong. Only black sheep find enlightenment. Partnership becomes easier. Ever more sensitive and wrong. The expulsion from paradise. The way back to paradise. The closer to God, the better taking care of oneself. Feelings – the built-in wisdom path. Openness is always open to everything. When God speaks, the ego feels wrong. A happiness independent of this world. Saying 'yes' to being unhappy. The redemption of the entire planet.

Dhyan Mikael: Whitsun Intensive (May 20, 2024, German) As slow as I need to be so that I don't overtake myself

German with English and German subtitles
Whitsun Intensive - Live Chat Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of May 20, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: He doesn't want to get married. Can anything good come out of this? Meditation – the ultimate laziness. A state beyond feelings. Dealing with negative thoughts. How Jesus dealt with thoughts. Meditation – the safe practice field . The message of exhaustion. Dealing with physical complaints. Fear of the future. Openness for God. The gift of my life. I can't meditate. Now we're meditating. Meditation.

Dhyan Mikael: Whitsun Intensive (May 19, 2024, German)

German with English and German subtitles
Whitsun Intensive - Live Chat Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of May 19, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: How to learn gratitude? The blessing of separation. Fear of being alone. What to do with resistance? When you can no longer feel anything. Encountering the living Jesus. When the guru says terrible things.

Dhyan Mikael: The wise man knows he doesn't need to know anything and trusts in life; that is letting go

German with English and German subtitles
Live Chat Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of May 14, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: The most important and valuable. What distinguishes master and guru? What is simplicity. Dealing with jealousy. "Do you still have unwanted thoughts?" Loving one's own father. Key to a happy relationship. Falling prey to the ego. Should you live with the Guru? Practicing two forms of meditation.

Dhyan Mikael Interview: Putting God first

German with English and German subtitles
Putting God first - Interview with Dhyan Mikael by Mona Lange of May 10, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: Who is this God? I know less and less. Is it the head speaking, or God? I can't and don't want to judge it. Not being careful. What if you go round in circles? What is guiding me, I know nothing about. Forget everything you think you know. You can do it – but meditate. Confusing cause and effect. Heaven comes later. A path for ordinary people. What is it like to be close to God?

Dhyan Mikael: God nourishes me through everything that happens to me, through every breath, every injury, every ray of sunshine (copy 1)

German with English and German subtitles
Father's Day Intensive - Live Chat Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of May 9, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: What's the right thing to do right now? Inertia, laziness and discipline. When your partner has a problem with you. A stone on the crown chakra? Meditation and antidepressants. Counting your breath while meditating. An old, deep fear of the soul. feelings for no reason. A Course in Miracles. Dependencies and addiction. Who decides on relationships? Words of love and tenderness. Are we capable of unconditional love? After the breakup. Hate – resistance against oneself? The whole world is against me. Write to me if you have a question. About the meditation. Meditation.

Dhyan Mikael: Feeling the feelings, as best we can without meaning and history of why

German with English and German subtitles
Live Chat Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of April 23, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: Feeling through feelings. Projections and forgiveness. Being true to yourself, right from the beginning. A relationship with someone who doesn't meditate. Breaking free from oneself through enlightenment. The path to what is called enlightenment. Forgiveness, when there is no one. Personally carried, nourished and sustained by God. Can an awakened one harm others? Support me if it gives you joy. No spiritual experience. Being as you are: more is not needed. Your most noble task. Inviting more life energy. The one source of energy. On true authenticity. Treated badly by others.

Dhyan Mikael: A Life without Questions – about the nature of the spiritual path.

This video by Dhyan Mikael is from April 23, 2024, thank you for that. Watch the video...

Dhyan Mikael about this video: For many, life is complicated and a burden. You have the feeling that you never know what is right at this moment. This video is about the way out of this hell and the way to peace and heaven.

Dhyan Mikael: What does change?

German with English and German subtitles
Interview with Dhyan Mikael by Mona Lange of April 12, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: What really happens remains hidden from us. We are the seed for a huge tree. You don't have to do it alone. We don't need to be afraid. Falling in love with something impossible. What has fallen away is no longer remembered. It's like a reversal. Becoming more sensitive. When interest in the outside world wanes. Closer to oneself, and therefore, to the world. It's only your own experience that counts. "Don't look at the darkness of the world". Life is becoming more and more miraculous. The time of the Apocalypse. Two effects of Samarpan Meditation.

Dhyan Mikael: The One you can trust – how you recognize your path.

This video by Dhyan Mikael is from April 11, 2024, thank you for that. Watch the video...

Dhyan Mikael about this video: Who can you trust? How do you recognize a true guru? How do you decide what is the right way right now? Anyone who begins to question life encounters precisely these uncertainties. Yet, everyone has an in-built compass that guides them reliably – but it is the last thing we trust.

Dhyan Mikael: Turning inwards, finding ones own soul, meditating

German with English and German subtitles
Easter Intensive - Live-Chat-Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of April 1, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: Fear of closeness and loneliness. Dealing with the demands of others. Realizing that one cannot change oneself. Do polarities such as male and female dissolve? When the meditation seems so long. Everything is overwhelming, everything is so exhausting. Self-doubt and self-condemnation. Thank you for the answer. Why meditate on the crown chakra and not on the heart?

Dhyan Mikael: The quieter we become and the more we come inwards, the more we are connected and understand.

German with English and German subtitles
Easter Intensive - Live-Chat-Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of March 31, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: The Kundalini energy. Does it help to meditate more often? Crucifixion and Resurrection. Wanting children, separation and relationship. Do you communicate with Jesus? Dealing with feelings and depressive moods. When the partner complains. Why meditate on the crown chakra and not on the heart? When family triggers anger and pain.

Dhyan Mikael: The Miracle of Easter – what Jesus actually did for us.

This video by Dhyan Mikael is from March 30, 2024, thank you for that. Watch the video...

Dhyan Mikael about this video: It is said about Easter: Jesus died for us to redeem us. What does that mean? And what really happened back then? Why did God allow this to happen? Easter is not a tragedy, but a gift to each and every one of us – and a challenge.

Dhyan Mikael: What is Heaven?

German with English and German subtitles
Interview with Dhyan Mikael by Mona Lange of March 15, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: The opposite of "Heaven". A new sensibility. The primal trauma: "I am going to die". In the body, here, now. The misunderstandings of religions. Black sheep. The new view of love. The truth of ancient fairytales. Reason – or joy? The way to Heaven.

Dhyan Mikael: Letting yourself be the way you are, that is true surrender.

German with English and German subtitles
Live-Chat-Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of March 12, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: How to deal with criticism. Criticizing the partner. Nobody does anything for anyone else. Is self-love an ego trip? Sometimes I think I can't take any more. Reaching people without Concepts. Looking at the "I". Who is in charge of your attention? Meditate more often during the day? Perceive and express Limits better.

Dhyan Mikael: Discover the one source of peace, of love, until it overflows.

German with English and German subtitles
Live-Chat-Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of February 6, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: Fear of being alone. The disturbing mind. Life – a dream? Collective development. Raising children properly. World's grief. What do narcissists need? Insecure from ego. True and false self. Black sheep. Falling asleep during meditation. Not being welcome. Not paying attention to memories.

Dhyan Mikael: What prevents us from loving?

German with English and German subtitles
Interview with Dhyan Mikael by Mona Lange of January 19, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Dhyan Mikael: We learn to be, to be empty, and experience: everything is simple.

German with English and German subtitles
Live-Chat-Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of January 9, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: Nobody wants me with pain. Distraction from feelings. Are pets helpful? What if I distract myself? Is there a task for the soul? Emptiness and fullness. Loving when both partners rest in being. To be truthful. Is there a soul? Who decides who is a Guru?

Dhyan Mikael: Where you put your attention, that's where energy comes from.

German with English and German subtitles
New Year Intensive - Live-Chat-Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of January 1, 2024. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: Sharing tasks in the partnership. Is she the right one? Pain and disappointment after an affair. Preserving the energy of the Guru. Decisions, insecurity and trust. The partner's obsession to control. When the need for a relationship disappears.

Dhyan Mikael: Our feelings want attention. Give them this stillness.

German with English and German subtitles
New Year Intensive - Live-Chat-Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of December 31, 2023. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: True fulfillment is supposedly within, but there is nothing there either. Getting the guru's attention. Letting go of old things. Making decisions. Liberation without a living guru? Fighting for contact with your own child? When emotions prevent going deeper and peace.

Live-Chat mit John David about the Ramana Book “Aham Sphurana”: In Ramanas Presence

This live chat with John David from November 2023 is about the Ramana book “Aham Sphurana”, he published and also about general spiritual questions, with the spiritual teacher Kevin Patrick, with members of the Open Sky House community and guests. In the first part there is a conversation between John David and the spiritual teacher OM about the book, thank you very much for that.    Watch the video...

Dhyan Mikael: Getting more and more lost in the self, and love flows more and more.

German with English and German subtitles
Live-Chat-Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of November 14, 2023. Thank you for this. Watch the video...

Topics: Traumas. Dealing with feelings. Resistance against what is. The source of love and acceptance. Psychosomatic clinic. From guilt and hate to compassion. Losing the moment again and again. Is this your love? Can anyone awaken? Does meditation lead to enlightenment? Meditating together. Meditating in the evening? Dealing with narcissists.

Shree Shivkrupanand Swamiji: Discourse and Q&A session in Switzerland while his Europe Tour 2023

A Discourse and Q&A session with Shree Shivkrupanand Swamiji took place in the Raspille Meditation Center, Switzerland, Europe. The Discourse and the Q&A session is a very unique session and will be a treat for everyone, forever to come.  Watch the video...

Dhyan Mikael: Love comes from abundance, simply, naturally, by itself.

German with English and German subtitles
Interview with Dhyan Mikael by Here-Now TV of August 17, 2023. Questions by Devasetu. Watch the video...

Dhyan Mikael: Resting with our attention inside, which is in a way contagious.

Interview with Dhyan Mikael by Here-Now TV of June 24, 2023. Questions by Swantje & Devasetu. Watch the video...

Dhyan Mikael Video: Sit down and let it be done - Questions & Answers: Samarpan Meditation

This video by Dhyan Mikael is from June 2023, thanks for that. Watch the video...

Andreas Mueller: The End of the Dream that there is someone, who could be Unfulfilled or Enlightened

LiveTalk with Andreas Müller from May 2023.    Watch the video....

Dhyan Mikael: Too wrong for Heaven? - And other videos

Videos by Dhyan Mikael which he publishes since May 2023. Dhyan Mikael traveled for two decades with Samarpan/Soham as his translator and technician. Now he makes his own videos on spiritual topics. Watch the videos...

Isaac Shapiro: That for which we don't have to do anything

Meeting with Isaac Shapiro from 2018.    Watch the video...

Isaac Shapiro: The Sensations of that Moment

Meeting with Isaac Shapiro from 2018.  Watch the video...

P A L A I , Internet Currency and Unconditional Basic Income

Interview with the blind American singer, composer and PALAI activist Tyler Zahnke about PALAI, the internet currency that comes into the world as an unconditional basic income for everyone.   Info:                         Watch the video....


Adima: Remembering Oneself is Always Now

Interview and Live Chat with Adima from Juni 2022.    Watch the video...

Andreas Müller: Everything is whole and complete 一切都是完整的

Interview with Andreas Müller, Chinese translation by Mei Long, Questions by Devasetu. from April 2022. Andreas Müller 访谈,Mei Long 中文翻译,Devasetu 提问。 从 2022 年 4 月开始。  Watch the video 观看视频...

Soham: The Light of Liberation from the Himalayas

Interview with Soham. questions: Yvonne, Devasetu, Isabella, Radha u./ and Narges (v.l.n.r.), March 2022.   Watch the video...

Isaac Shapiro: Love with Every Cell in Our Body

Meeting with Isaac Shapiro from 2018.          Watch the video...

Lino Heimild: Pointing from No Position

Pointing to the boundless mystery of What Is. On Non-Duality (Advaita). On Nothing being Everything.         Watch the video...

Isaac Shapiro: You are Just Here and Whatever Comes is Welcome

Meeting with Isaac Shapiro from 2018.     Watch the video...

John David: Community as a Spiritual Practice

Interview with John David from October 2021, questions by Yvonne, Wolfgang and Devasetu.

The Open Sky House invites you to get a Taste of Spiritual Community! 22 - 28 Nov.: Meditation • Workflow • Satsang • Conzert • Darshan • Selfinquiry • Theater • Mantra • All for free.

        Watch the video...

John David: Non-Doing

New Satsang with John David "Non-Doing".

Watch the video...

Isaac Shapiro: An Exploration of the Total Yes in the Nervous System

Meeting with Isaac Shapiro from 2018.  Watch the video...

Isaac Shapiro: The Opening of the Heart

Meeting with Isaac Shapiro from 2018.   Watch the video...


John David: Planet Crisis and Self-Awareness

Satsang with John David "Planet Crisis and Self-Awareness". Watch the video...

Isaac Shaprio: Stop Waiting for a Better Moment

Meeting with Isaac Shapiro from 2018   Watch the video...

John David: Understanding the Freedom in Papaji's Presence and Love

Interview with John David from May 2021, questions from Yvonne, Martha, Wolfgang and Devasetu.    Watch the video...


John David: Love is your Being

Zoom Meeting with John David 1st June.

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Andreas Müller: Nothing to reach, to become, to attain - what happens is naturally everything

Zoom-Talk with Andreas Müller, 2021. Andreas speaks about and answers questions on non-duality & liberation.



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Open Sky House: Spiritual Community - Awaken Now [FULL FILM]

New video from Open Sky House "Spiritual Community - Awaken Now".


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Open Sky House Residents meet Vasant Swaha - Facilitated by John David

New video from John David " Open Sky House Residents meet Vasant Swaha - Facilitated by John David".

Watch the video...


Open Sky House Residents meet Isaac - Facilitated by John David

New video from John David "Open Sky House Residents meet Isaac - Facilitated by John David".

Watch the video...


Isaac and Gaia: Meet the Moment as a Lover

Interview with Isaac Shapiro and Gaia, March 2021, Qestions from Yvonne, Martha und Devasetu.  Watch the video...

Isaac and Gaia: Even the Ego-Identification Happens Without a Doer

Interview with Isaac Shapiro and with Gaia, February 2021, questions by Yvonne, Gaia and Devasetu.  Watch the video...

John David: You Are Already Free

Video with John David "You Are Already Free".

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John David: Adventures in Lucknow and Free in Prison

Interview with John David "Adventures in Lucknow and Free in Prison".

Watch the video...


Isaac Shapiro: How Can I Be at Peace?

Interview with Isaac Shaprio, Nov.. 2020, questions from Gaia and Devasetu.   Watch the video...

Isaac Shapiro: That In Which Everything Appears

Interview with Isaac Shaprio, Oct. 2020, questions from Gaia. Watch the video...

P. P. Guruma Discourse 25-05-2019

May retreat with Shree Shivkrupanand Swami and Guruma in Germany (Büdingen near Frankfurt) - Gurumas Discourse 25th of May 2019.  Watch the video...

Soham: Life – the Impersonal Game of Waving

Satsang with Soham from an Online-Retreat, winter 2019 / 2020.  Watch the video...

Richard Sylvester: Searching for Ultimate Truth

Talk with Richard Sylvester from May 2019.  Watch the video...

P. P. Swamiji's Discourse (Video Conference) - 12-05-2019

May retreat with Shree Shivkrupanand Swami 10.-12.5.19 in Germany (Büdingen near Frankfurt) - Swamijis Discourse via Video Conference.       Watch the video...

P. P. Swamiji Questions and Answers - 03-06-2019

Questions and Answers with Shivkrupanand Swami in Hindi with English translation from spring 2019 in Germany.  Watch the video...

P. P. Swamiji Discourse - 02-06-2019

Discourse with Shivkrupanand Swami in Hindi with English translation from spring 2019 in Germany.  Watch the video...

Guruma Discourse - 01-06-2019 - Germany Retreat

Retreat with Shree Shivkrupanand Swami and Guruma, in Germany (Büdingen near Frankfurt) - Discourse with Guruma 01-06-2019, in English.    Watch the video...

Discourses with Shivkrupanand Swami

Discourses with Shivkrupanand Swami in Hindi with English translation. Watch the videos...

Pari: Interview Summer 2019 at Corfu

Interview with Pari about spirituality, Osho, Papaji and living in the world. Recorded in Corfu after the Hearts on Fire chanting seminar in the summer of 2019. Recorded by Tarek Boschko and his wife Eva, Interview by Anjali.   

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Padma u. Torsten: Relaxing into Space - Open Heart - Direct Experience

Videos with Padma & Torsten from Indien from 2013.  Watch the videoWatch the videos...

Michael Barnett: You are the World

This lecture by Michael Barnett, who left his body in November 2019, took place at the One Spirit Festival in June 2019 in Freudenstadt. The lecture is in English with German translation.  Watch the videoWatch the video...

Isaac Shapiro: A Taste of Gratuitous Love, Peace and Beauty

Martha interviewed Isaac Shapiro in the summer of 2019.  




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Soham: Disappearing in Oneness

This interview with Soham is from Nov. 2019. Questions from Devasetu..  Watch the videoWatch the video...

Tony Parsons: There is No I and Nothing Ever Happens

Interview with Tony Parsons July 2019, Questions by Devasetu from Jetzt-TV / Here-Now-TV.   Zum VideoWatch the Video...

Jim Newman: Non-Duality Talks

Non-Duality Talks with Jim Newman, who is living in Vienna. 




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Andreas Müller: That's what apparently happens

This interview with Andreas Müller is from May 2019, questions by Devasetu.




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OnenessTalks with Andreas Müller, Helsinki, November 30th 2018

OnenessTalks with Andreas Müller, recorded in Helsinki, November 30th 2018.



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Andreas Mueller: Talks New York March 2019

On YouTube are new talks with Andreas Mueller, 8 parts from New York from March 2019.

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Madhukar: Realising Peace

Satsang with Madhukar from summer 2018.  Watch the video Watch the video...

Gurpreet: Conflict with Violence

Watch new Satsang from Gurpreet "Conflict with Violence".


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Andreas Mueller: Interview with Frank McCaughey

On Andreas Mueller's page are two interviews with him from Frank McCaughey (Zero & One).


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Gopal: The Essence of my Work

A new video from Gopal in English but on his German Jetzt-TV page "The Essence of my Work".

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Isaac Shapiro: Feeling the Innocent Openness

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from September 2017.       Zum VideoWatch the video...

Andreas Müller: OnenessTalks in Helsinki

These OnenessTalks with Andreas are from April 2018.



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John de Ruiter: Retreat in Bad Meinberg, Germany

John de Ruiter will be in Germany from Nov 7th till Nov 12th. 2018. Information and new videos on his subpage.

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Video Conference with H. H. Shivkrupanand Swami

This are the recordings of the video conference of June 2018 in Frankfurt. Swamiji speaks in Hindi which is translated into German, Part 1, and Part 2 answering questions.   Watch the videoWatch the videos... 

Shivkrupanand Swami: With Meditation Living Happiness in the Interior in Peace

Interview with Shivkrupanand Swami (Swamiji), his answers are read by a disciple of him; August 2018, questions from Devasetu.  Watch the videoWatch the video...

Soham: Use the Power to Be Free

Thanks to all participants who have agreed to the publishing of their sharings during the Retreats with Soham in summer of 2018.   Zum VideoWatch the video...

Isaac Shapiro: What Do You Have to Do for Nothing?

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from Sept. 2017.




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Michael Barnett: Realize that nothing is comparable to THIS

This talk was given by Michael Barnett at the One Spirit Festival in May 2018.  Watch the videoWatch the video...

Torsten, Padma, Gaia and Gopal: Trauma Healing and Freedom

This talk with Padma & Torsten, Gaia and Gopal is from May 2018, questions from Devasetu from Jetzt-TV / Here-Now-TV. Watch the video Watch the video...

Isaac Shapiro: Just Only Presence

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from Sept. 2017.   Watch the videoWatch the video...

Lisa Cairns: Lisa Cairns: The Nature of Everything is Love

Talk with Lisa Cairns from 2014.  Watch the videoWatch the video...

Isaac Shapiro: The Peace is Already Here / Der Frieden ist bereits hier

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from September 2017.  


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Andrew Cohen and John David in Dialogue

English Spiritual teacher John David dialogues with spiritual teacher Andrew Cohen about his philosophy of Evolutionary Enlightenment and the nature of Truth and Consciousness. They both share from their own life and teaching experience. Andrew answers questions from the audience at the end. Watch the videoWatch the video...

Lisa Cairns: Who is Dreaming our Lives?

Talk with Lisa Cairns from summer 2014.  Watch the videoWatch the video...

Gaia: The Peaceful Consciousness, Always Here

Satsang with Gaia from February 2018.





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ANdy Hegewald: Live-Chat about Non-Duality

To the dates and links to Live-Chat with ANdy about Non-Duality please Watch the videoklick here...

Isaac Shapiro: Innocent, sweet Heart, it loves

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from August 2017.  Watch the videoWatch the video...

Gaia: What Remains, What I Am

Satsang with Gaia from February 2018.





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Gaia: Love is who I am and who You are, just here

Gaia in English on the topics: Mind, Happiness, Enlightenment and Awakening, Healing, Love, Nonduality, Traumatization and Relationships. This video is from February 2018.



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Gaia: What Remains – Silent, Peaceful, No Beginning, No End, No Form, Empty and Full

Interview with Gaia in English, January 2018, questions by Devasetu.




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Isaac Shapiro: The Quality Inherent in Awareness

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from September 2017. Watch the videoWatch the video...

Gurpreet: Open Talks Frankfurt 2017

There are new videos from Grupreets Open Talks from Frankfurt 2017.

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HO: In Silence No Wrong and No Right

This interview with HO Gerhard Strauss is from December 2017, questions by ANdy Hegewald.




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Lisa Cairns: This Is Who You Are

Talk with Lisa Cairns from summer 2014.  Zum VideoWatch the video...

Muni: Our True Nature to Rest in Being

Interview with Muni from December 2017, questions by Devasetu, Ishtadeva and friends.




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Bhashkar Perinchery: Tips to practice J. Krishnamurti´s teachings

Tips to practice J. Krishnamurti´s teachings from Bhashkar Perinchery. 


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Lisa Cairns: Explosion of Life

Talk with Lisa Cairns from summer 2014.  Watch the videoWatch the video...

Padma & Torsten: Drowning in a Deeper Wisdom

Satsang with Padma & Torsten from Rishikkesh 2016.   Watch the videoWatch the video...

Isaac Shapiro: Bringing Attention Back into the Awareness of Ourselves

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from August 2017.




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Isaac Shapiro: Whatever Comes Is Welcome

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from August 2017.



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Lisa Cairns: How Can Be Anything Outside of You?

This Talk with Lisa Cairns is from summer 2014.



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Ranjit Maharaj: You are that Power / Go to the Root - YOU ARE HE

Thanks to Ronny for the publication of these two videos with English subtitles.  Watch the videoWatch the video...

John de Ruiter: Spiritual Awakening and the Opening of Your Energy Centres

This new video from John de Ruiter is now available on his sub-page on Here-Now-TV.


Michael Barnett: What is Life?

This talk was given by Michael Barnett at the One Spirit Festival in June 2017.




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Lisa Cairns: The Illusion of Seperation

This talk with Lisa Cairns is from summer 2014.  Watch the videoWatch the video...

Astrid Brinck: Awakened Femininity Is Awakened Love

This impulse presentation on the four aspects of awakened love was held by Astrid Brinck, of Chile, at the women's symposium "Awakened Femininity", which took place in the Parimal near Göttingen in October 2016.


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Satyaa & Pari at the One Spirit Festival 2016

These are excerpts from the Satyaa & Pari concert at the One Spirit Festival 2016 in Freudenstadt.  Watch the videoWatch the video...

Andreas Müller: OnenessTalks London 2017

On the subpage from Andreas Müller you can now watch the OnenessTalks from London from March 2017.

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Isaac Shapiro: Inviting Ourselves in the Most Beautiful Way to Be at Peace

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from summer 2015.




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Isaac Shapiro: THAT, Without a Path

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from summer 2015.



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Samarpan: The Gift to Be Here

This interview with Samarpan is from November 2016. The questions are from Lina Ivonne Dosse.            Zum VideoWatch the video...

Isaac Shapiro: Enjoy for No Reason

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from August 2016.



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Lisa Cairns: The answer to why you are alive is in being alive

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Andreas Müller: Talks with in Amsterdam, October 7th 2016

Thanks to Andreas that we can publish these OnenessTalks.               



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Isaac Shapiro: Falling in Love with the Unnameable

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from August 2016



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Tony Parsons: Zero & One - A film about Nonduality (with Andreas Müller)

On Tony's page we have a new video with him and with Kenneth Madden, Jim Newman und Andreas Müller about nonduality.



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Samarpan: The Simplest Simplicity

Thanks to all participants who have agreed to the publishing of their sharings during the Retreats with Samarpan in autumn of 2016.   Zum Video Watch the video...

Samarpan: Let Go All Concepts – Love Is Our Essence

Thanks to all participants who have agreed to the publishing of their sharings during the Retreats with Samarpan in autumn of 2016.  Zum VideoWatch the video...

John de Ruiter: The Unlimited Reach of Your Human Sexuality

A new video from John de Ruiter from Netanya Retreat in Israel.

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Gema Diaz: Appreciating Every Moment of Life

This interview with the Spanish Yoga teacher Gema Diaz led Devasetu in October 2016 on La Gomera.




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Richard Sylvester: When Nothing Has a Meaning and Nothing Matters

This interview with Richard Sylvester took place in October 2016, questions by ANdy aka Andreas Hegewald.



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Andreas Müller: OnenessTalks Amsterdam, Oct. 2016

Part 1 & 2 from Andreas Müller OnenessTalks from Amsterdam are now available.


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Isaac Shapiro: In This Moment Finding That What Does Not Come and Go

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from August 2016.




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Uwe Lilienthal: All is inside

Satsang with Uwe Lilienthal from Arunachala India, January 2016.

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Isaac Shapiro: The Invitation to Our Own Self

This interview with Isaac Shapiro took place in August 2016, the questions of Mira and Devasetu. Thanks to Ayla Bohatsch for translation.   Watch the videoWatch the video...

Ganga Mira: Whatever You Can Describe is Surely Not IT

This interview with Ganga Mira by Andreas Hegewald aka Andy took place in July 2016.



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Isaac Shapiro: Initiation into the Nondual Consciousness – No Limits, only Beauty, Silence, Peace, Infinity

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from summer 2015.




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Samarpan: In a Love Relationship with Every Single One

This interview with Samarpan is from August 2016. Thanks to Mira for leading this interview.   Zum VideoWatch the video...

Venu: Interview in English by Anushree

See an interview from Venu about Body Satsang. Anushree has invited Venu to come to Spain, Andalusien 15.-17.8.2016 to give Body-Satsang there.

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Sagarika Ma: That Which Does Not Come and Go

This Satsang with Sagarika took place in the “Nicht-Dualität-Tage” (Nonduality Days) in September 2015 in Upper Austria. A village chapel playing near can be heard in the Satsang room, so the sound quality is temporarily restricted.

Zum VideoWatch the video...

Michael Barnett: Just Experiencing the Flow Instead of Giving Names to the Things

Michael answered questions during the One Spirit Festival in Freudenstadt in May 2015.   Zum VideoWatch the video...

Sagarika: Fear of Life is Fear of Love

This Satsang Video with Sagarika is from Tiruvanamalai from January 2016.    Zum VideoWatch the video...

Sagarika: Satsangs from Tiruvanamalai 2016

Six Satsang-Video-Clips with Sagarika from Tiruvanamalai from January 2016.    Watch the videoWatch the videos...

Sagarika: To Love what You Encounter

Satsang with Sagarika from Tiruvanamalai is from January 2016.    



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Sagarika Ma: Looking Unintentionally with the Eyes of Love

Satsang with Sagarika from Tiruvanamalai is from January 2016.    Watch the videoWatch the video...

Mayonah Bliss: One Billion Rising

These written and choreographed by Mayonah Bliss prayer and dance performance was staged on February 14, 2016 in the Satsang by Prem Baba in Saccha Dham Ashram in Rishikesh, India. It is an expression of a global women's movement for an end to sexual violence against women and girls.

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Gurpreet: The End of the Search, Surrendering in Love

This interview with Gurpreet took place in March 2016. Thanks to Helen Noah for asking the questions.




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Michael Barnett: Wild Goose – Oneness-Meditation

This Wild Goose Oneness Meditation led Michael Barnett during the One Spirit Festival in May 2015 Freudenstadt.



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Samarpan: Change Happens from the Inside through Awareness

Thanks to all participants who have agreed to the publishing of their sharings during the Retreats with Samarpan in summer of 2015.




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Andreas Müller: OnenessTalks in New York on Feb., 19th 2016, Part 1






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Sagarika: Flowing With the River, all that is Needed is Already There

This Satsang with Sagarika took place in the “Nicht-Dualität-Tage” (Nonduality Days) in September 2015 in Upper Austria.




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Live-Video-Chat with Andreas Müller in English

The recording from Live-Video-Chat with Andreas Müller in English is now at his page at or at his page at Jetzt-TV / Here-Now-TV possible to watch.




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The Gospel of Thomas

Samarpan about this book to Kundan, the author:


Beloved Kundan,


I just got home from Corfu last night. Before sleeping, I glanced at it briefly and liked what I saw.

This morning I again picked up your book and read some pages at random.

All I can say is…Wonderful!


A beautiful work…one that I would recommend to anyone to read.


In love,

Samarpan.    Link to the book

Samarpan: Being Here as Best You Can

Thanks to all participants who have agreed to the publishing of their sharings during the Retreats with Samarpan in spring of 2015.        Watch the video...

Samarpan: Saying Yes to What Is and then the Mind Loses its Power

Thanks to all participants who have agreed to the publishing of their sharings during the Retreats with Samarpan in spring of 2015.   Watch the video...

John de Ruiter: Interview with Alan Steinfeld

Alan Steinfeld from interviews John de Ruiter in New York. John covers topics such as sexuality and parenting.

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Sagarika: Yes – Without Any Idea How it Should Be

This Satsang with Sagarika took place in the “Nicht-Dualität-Tage” (Nonduality Days) in September 2015 in Upper Austria.




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Samarpan: In Falling into Self-Acceptance Becoming More Silent

Thanks to all participants who have agreed to the publishing of their sharings during the Retreats with Samarpan in winter 2014 and in spring of 2015.   Watch the video...

Samarpan: The Willingness to Know Nothing

Thanks to all participants who have agreed to the publishing of their sharings during the Retreats with Samarpan in winter 2014 / 2015 and the spring of 2015.  Watch the video...

Gurpreet: The Openness and Willingness to Move with Whatever There Is

This interview with Gurpreet led Devasetu over the Internet with her in English in November 2015.



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Sagarika: Be Simple and Devote Yourself into the River of Life

This Satsang with Sagarika took place in the “Nicht-Dualität-Tage” (Nonduality Days) in September 2015 in Upper Austria.




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Stephen Batchelor: Interview from Hamburg 2015

On the page from Stephen Batchelor we have added a new video from the retreat from Hamburg 2015. Thanks to Joe for this interview.


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Gurpreet: Open Talks

Open Talks with Gurpreet from the last Retreat you can watch now.





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Isaac Shapiro: Encounter This Moment as the Lover

This Satsang with Isaac Shapiro is from June 2015. Thanks to Martha for filming.





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Aisha Salem: The Willingness to Put Love Above Fear

This Satsang was part of the "Friedensgespräche" (peace talks) in Berlin in August 2015.               Watch the video...

Venu: Recording from the 12th Worldwide Womb & Inner Lap Meditation

The recording from the 12th Worldwide Womb & Inner Lap Meditation from the 13th of October 2015 with Venu from her Satsang-Retreat on Leros.  





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Ganga Mira: Keeping Quiet – Where We Always Have Been

This interview with Ganga Mira took palce in October 2015 via Internet, questions from Devasetu. Ganga will giving Satsang in Munich from 14th -19th of Oct. 2015 and in Amerdam from 24th - 28th Oct 2015.




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John de Ruiter: Interview from 2015

In this interview John de Ruiter speaks about the basics of his teaching. What is awareness? How to open your heart and transcend your self? The interview has eleven questions with separate videos for each question.


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Lena Giger: Live Chat from Sept 2015

You can now watch the latest live chat from Lena Giger with the title "What is going on on earth?" with english translation here on Here-Now-TV.


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Isaac Shapiro: Awakening is the Realization of What Has Always Been

This interview was conducted by Marta with Isaac Shapiro in June 2015.





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Aisha Salem: Sharing the Love and Result of Cultivation with Other People

This interview with Aisha Salem took place in August 2015 in Berlin, questions by Devasetu.





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Lisa Cairns: What is My True Nature?

This talk with Lisa took place in July 2014 in Belgium.




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Amrit: All the Peace of the World, Already Here

This Satsang with Amrit took place at the Int. Satsang Festival Wien 2015.





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Samarpan: Carried by the Water of Life

Thanks to all participants for their approvals to publish their sharings during the retreats with Samarpan in winter 2014/2015.




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Samarpan: Really Everything is Grace

Samarpan was interviewed by Nabala in June 2015.        Zum Video...


Premananda Awakening needs Intensity

From May 25th Satsang-TV with Premananda the video 'Awakening needs Intensity'.


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Samarpan: Being Here Now With No Reason Cannot Be Understood

Thanks to all participants for their approvals to publish their sharings during the retreats with Samarpan in winter 2014/2015.         Watch the video...

Lisa Cairns Interview - FOR THE LOVE OF everything

Interview filmed during Lisa Cairns' Spring retreat in Hawaii (@ Center for the Waking Mind). Lisa sits down with Craig Villarrubia to discuss her new book, Nonduality, A Course in Miracles, and much about nothing :)        Watch the video...

Lisa Cairns: What is Left When All things and Their Opposites Fall Away?

This talk with Lisa took place in July 2014 in Belgium. 





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Richard Sylvester: Meetings from Berlin, May 2015

Many thanks to Manik for these videos from Richard Sylvester from Berlin May 2015.



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Michael Barnett: Being in Resonance with That which Includes All Energies

This energy event with Michael Barnett took place at the One Spirit Festival  in May 2014 in Karlsruhe.                                                    Watch the video...

Veeresh: Your Heart is the Source of Love

This Darshan with Veeresh took place at the One Spirit Festival 2014 in Karlsruhe in Germany. Veeresh left his body in January 2015.             Watch the video...

Samarpan: The Readiness to Feel Without Thinking

Thanks to all participants who consented to the publication of their sharings during the retreats with Samarpan in winter 2014/2015.                     Watch the videos...

John de Ruiter: Conveying Deeper Sexuality

An informal gathering with John de Ruiter in Chiemsee, Germany.


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Michael Barnett: Silence in the Inner Timeless Space

This talk with Michael Barnett was held at the One Spirit Festival  in May 2014 in Karlsruhe.




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Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj: Rays of the Absolute

In 2006 Stephen Wolinsky proposed the idea of traveling to India to film Nisargadatta Maharaj’s translators and disciples to explore the legacy Maharaj left behind in his hometown, Mumbai. In 2007 Zaya and Maurizio Benazzo together with Stephen Wolinsky, Philip Safarik and Fred Good traveled to India to shoot this film. The meeting with the old devotees was both illuminating as well as deeply touching.  Watch the video...

Lisa Cairns: The Freedom in “It’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone…”

This talk with Lisa took place in July 2014 in Belgium. As for cooling several fans were running in the room, the sound quality is unfortunately affected.




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Tathina: The Invitation (to Live) (the Truth)

A new video from Tathina is available on her page. She is talking about her new book, the invitation to live the truth.




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Lisa Cairns: That, What Is Not Knowable But Is

This talk with Lisa took place in July 2014 in Belgium. As for cooling several fans were running in the room, the sound quality is unfortunately affected.




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Edgar OWK Hofer: The Wisdom of Tantra, Osho, Satsang and Nonduality

This interview took place in February 2015, at La Gomera, Spain, questions by Devasetu.




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Naho Owada: There Is Just Life Happening

This interview was conducted by Andreas Hegewald alias ANdy with Naho Owada in January 2015. Camera: Andreas Hegewald; translation: Oreas Kotschi.



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Lena Giger: The New Age and 2015

The New Age begins to bloom. - Lena talks in this live-chat from 22nd of January 2015 what we can expect from the New Age and how we can deal with the changes in 2015 without having stress.


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Lena: How Criystal Children Heal

Lena Giger, Crystal Child from Switzerland, speaking in a Livestream video recording on the topic "How Criystal Children Heal" on the occasion of the 1st Congress for Holistic Spiritual Healing in Munich organized by Jeet-TV from 15th / 16th May 2010. Language: English translation.                              Watch the video...

Samarpan: The Total Willingness of Self-Dissolution

Thanks to all participants who agreed with publishing their sharings from retreats with Samarpan from autumn 2014.         Watch the videos...


Lisa Cairns: Everything is an Expression of the Emptiness

This talk with Lisa took place in July 2014 in Belgium. As for cooling several fans were running in the room, the sound quality is unfortunately affected.                                                 Watch the video...


Richard Sylvester: Unimaginable and Completely Ordinary

Thanks to Manik, who did the filming of this talk with Richard Sylvester for us in October 2014.






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Lisa Cairns: Silence is the Peaceful Answer to Everything

This interview was conducted by Andreas Hegewald alias ANdy with Lisa Cairns in November 2014. Camera: ANdy; translation: Oreas Kotschi.





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Samarpan: Allowing oneself to be carried by life for the benefit of everybody

Thanks to all participants who agreed with publishing their sharings from retreats with Samarpan from summer 2014.        Watch the video...

Lisa Cairns: Intimacy With All Things that Appear

This talk with Lisa took place in November 2014 in Berlin.           Watch the video...

Paul Smit: Life at Play

This talk with Paul Smit took place in November 2014 in Vienna.







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Lisa Cairns: The Beauty of Nonduality

This talk with Lisa took place in July 2014 in Belgium. As for cooling several fans were running in the room, the sound quality is unfortunately affected.





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Live-Chat and Talk with Lisa Cairns and Paul Smit

The recording of the Live-Talk with Lisa Cairns and Paul Smit from the 26th of Nov. 2014 you can at their pages here.  Watch the video...

Richard Sylvester: Unconditional Love – the End of the Person

Thanks to Manik, who did the filming this of talk with Richard Sylvester for us in October 2014.




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Richard Sylvester: Waking Up To the Dream

Thanks to Manik, who did the filming this of talk with Richard Sylvester for us in October 2014.




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Samarpan: The Silence Stronger Than the Mind

Thanks to all participants who agreed with publishing their sharings from retreats with Samarpan from summer 2014.      Watch the videos...

Paul Smit: We are Just Happening – There is No Control At All

This talk with Paul Smit took place in July 2014.  Watch the video...

Richard Sylvester: There is No Such Thing like „My Life”

This interview was conducted by Andreas Hegewald alias ANdy with Richard Sylvester in August 2014. Camera: ANdy; Translation: Oreas Kotschi. 



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Live-Video-Chat with Lisa Cairns

The new recorded Live-Meetings with Lisa Cairns your will find here at Lisa's page at Here-Now-TV.           Watch the video...


Live-Satsang with Samarpan

The new recorded Live-Satsangs with Samarpan your will find here at Samarpan's page at Here-Now-TV.    Watch the videos...


Paul Smit: All About Nothing - the Movie

All About Nothing is a Dutch film (with English subtitles) and invites you to let go of the daily rotating hamster wheel - with a completely different perspective on life. This centuries-old philosophy from India is called Nonduality and is among other things underpinned by Albert Einstein, Eckhart Tolle and Ramana Maharshi. If you're touched by this insight everything in your life can fundamentally change... While at the same time nothing needs to change. - Thanks to Paul Smit for the permission to publish this movie!                                                        Watch the video...

John de Ruiter: A day with John de Ruiter

A day with John de Ruiter at the Yehiam Retreat, Israel.


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Lisa Cairns: Everything is Hopeless – Nothing can Give “It” to Us

This talk with Lisa took place in June 2014 in Vienna. It was the last talk of the meeting.




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Richard Sylvester: Talk at the 11th of Oct. 2014 in Berlin

Thank you to Manik for filming and editing this video with the talk of Richard Slyvester in Berlin.




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Sri Vast: An Inspiration

This interview with Sri Vast with the subtitel "Towards a New Paradigm - A new Education" is from summer 2014. Thank to Irene from the Sri Vast International Foundation, Sweden for the provision of the interview


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Lisa Cairns: It Always Comes Back to “I Don't Know”

This talk with Lisa took place in June 2014 in Vienna.





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Naho Owada: What you ever look for is already always here

This interview with Naho from July 2014 is in Englisch and Japanese. Questions from Devasetu.



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Naho Owada: Live Talk from Sept. 2014

Live Talk with Naho from Belgium.



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Lisa Cairns: Lost is the Beauty

This talk with Lisa took place in June 2014 in Vienna.





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Premananda: Interview with Gabriele

On Premanandas subpage we have added a new video, Interview with Gabriele.

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Lisa Cairns: Nothing and Everything – Always It

This talk with Lisa took place in July 2014 in Belgium. As for cooling several fans were running in the room, the sound quality is unfortunately affected.




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Naho Owada: Everything and Nothing – Only This

This interview with Naho took place in July 2014 in Belgium. As for cooling several fans were running in the room, the sound quality is unfortunately affected.



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Paul Smit: Everything One – Everything Simply Happening

This interview and talk with Paul Smit took place in Belgium in July 2014, questions by Devasetu.




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Lisa Cairns: Everything is Appearing in the Boundless Freedom

This talk with Lisa took place in June 2014 in Vienna.




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Samarpan: Deep Inside Us All Questions are Already Answered

Thanks to all participants who agreed with publishing their sharing from retreats with Samarpan winter 2013/14.   Watch the video...

Lisa Cairns: There is Not Someone in There Who is Choosing Anything

This talk with Lisa took place in June 2014 in Vienna.





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Padma and Torsten: Handing the „Wave“, We Believe to Be, Willingly over to the Ocean

Satsang with Padma and Torsten from Rishikesh, India, March 2014.

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Samarpan: Taking Care for Yourself of the Most Beautiful Possible Way

Thanks to all participants who agreed with publishing their sharing from retreats with Samarpan winter 2013/14.        Watch the video...

Richard Sylvester: Nothing Can Be Known

This interview was done by Andreas Hegewald (ANdy) with Richard Sylvester in May 2014. It was filmed by Dustin Bauer.



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Lisa Cairns: The Essence of Nonduality - Live-Interivew

The video of the live interview with Lisa Cairns with questions of Sabine and Jeet Jeet TV and Devasetu from the 13th of May 2014 is now clickable as a recording. Watch the video....

Prashantam: Life without Fear

This workshop with Prashantam take place as part of the 21. Rainbow Spirit Festival  in November 2013.                                                Watch the video...

Lisa Cairns: The End of Goals

This meeting with Lisa Cairns took place in March 2014 in Berlin. Thanks to Manik for the filming.




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Tony Parsons: This is Compassion

This interview was done by Teresa Arrieta in 2014 at Vienna.

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Gurpreet: Retreat in Frankfurt 2015

We have added a new subpage for Gurpreet. She will be in Frankfurt on March 2015. More informations and videos on her page.


View the new subpage from Gurpreet


Premananda Satsang: The Role of the Teacher

There is a new video from Premananda called "The Role of the Teacher".


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Mahima: Sit Back and Enjoy the Movie

This interview was done by Devasetu with Mahima in March 2014 via Internet.




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Lisa Cairns: The Illusion of the Idea of a Me

This meeting with Lisa Cairns took place in March 2014 in Berlin. Thanks to Manik for the filming.




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Samarpan: Having Compassion with Oneself

Thanks to all participants who agreed with publishing their sharing from retreats with Samarpan winter 2013/14.                                           Watch the video...

Premananda Satsang: Hiding in Nonduality

There is a new video from Premananda called "Hiding in Nonduality".


Watch the video...

Premananda Satsang: What is Freedom?

You can watch a new video from Premananda Satsang with the title "What is Freedom?".


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John de Ruiter: Meeting from Tiruvannamalai 2014

This is an John de Ruiter Meeting excerpt from Tiruvannamalai, India, 2014.


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Samarpan: In Inner Clarity to the Acceptance of What Is

Thanks to all participants who agreed with publishing their sharing of retreats with Samarpan winter 2013/14.                                     Watch the video...

Michael Barnett: There is No Outside of What You Are

This event with Michael Barnett took place at the 21. Rainbow Spirit Festival in Dec. 2013 im Munich.




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Lisa Cairns: The Essence of Duality and Non-duality

This interview was done by Sabina with Lisa Cairns in January 2014 near Munich.




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Samarpan: Deep Stillness in Meditation

Thanks to all participants who agreed with publishing their sharing of retreats with Samarpan autumn 2013.                                     Watch the video...

Prashantam: Being Excited with the New of This Moment

This interview with Prashantam was done by Sabina at the 21. Rainbow Spirit Festival at Munich in December 2013.




Watch the video...



Samarpan: Welcoming Feelings Without Exception

Thanks to all participants who agreed with publishing their sharing of retreats with Samarpan autumn 2013.                                     Watch the video...

Osho: SAMMASATI the last word

This was his last public talk and last time guiding meditation at the end of talk. and the last word of Buddha was, sammasati. Remember that you are a buddha - sammasati.


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Veeresh: Loving the Master Inside Oneself

This Darshan with Veeresh took place at the 20. Rainbow Spirit Festival in May 2013 in Karlsruhe in Germany.                                                   Watch the video...

Marta: Key to Peace

This video was given to us by Martha to be published on our web site. Thank you for that.



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Life as it is... - Short Film Tribute to Rick Linchitz

Produced and Directed by Zaya&Maurizio Benazzo and Caroline Harrison. A short documentary capturing the intimacy, openness and deep wisdom of Rick Linchitz and his wife Rita as they go through the final weeks of a 14 year journey with lung cancer. Battling, surrendering, awakening, deep humility and pure love... "Life as it is...".                                                            

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Samarpan: The Untouchable Powerful Motionlessness of Stillness

Thanks to all participants who agreed with publishing their sharing of retreats with Samarpan during spring 2013. 



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John de Ruiter: Next Video from Seminar in Freiburg June 2013

In this meeting from June 2013 John answers to the question if and how we could unite our heart and spirit with job and career.


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Premananda: The Nature of Satori or the Still Lake and the Resting

This interview with Premananda and Indira with the issue of Satori und awakening was done by Reinhold in summer 2013 at Open Sky House in Germany near Cologne.                                                                           Watch the video...


Satyaa and Pari: Combining Ordinary and Spiritual Life

This interview with Satyaa and Pari took place in December 2013 in Munich. Questions by Devasetu.                                            Watch the video...

Premananda: Living in a Spiritual Commune

Recorded video Live-Interview and Live-Chat with Premananda. Questions by Sabine and Jeet from Jeet-TV and Devasetu from Here-Now-TV. Questions as well possible by Chat without lock in at Ustream.


Watch the video


Samarpan: Being Where You Are, This is the Freedom

Thanks to all participants who agreed with publishing their sharing of retreats with Samarpan during spring 2013.      



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Premananda: Open Sky House – An Experiment in Conscious Living

Premananda dialogues with Reinhold about his new book and film "The Great Misunderstanding", and the Open Sky House Community which is the setting for this project about living spirituality. He shares how this project came together as a compilation of his Satsangs from the last 10 years. The daily life examples of the Satsang community make the book and film into something special. In this experiment of conscious living it becomes very clear how mind structures and trauma prevent Awakening.                                       Watch the video...

Ameen: Learn the Simplicity of Silence

This interview took place in September 2013 on the island of Ibiza. Questions by Sabina.                                         Watch the video...

Samarpan: Being Here in Love and the Knowledge that Everything is There

Thanks to all participants who agreed with publishing their sharing of retreats with Samarpan during spring 2013.      Watch the video...

Samarpan: Stiller than Still

Thanks to all participants who agreed with publishing their sharing of retreats with Samarpan during spring 2013.       Watch the video...

John de Ruiter: Seminar Freiburg June 2013

John de Ruiter about consciousness and reality. Video from seminar in Freiburg (Germany) 2013.


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Interview with Ellie Roozdar: Cause of human suffering

There is a new interview with Ellie Roozdar with the title "Cause of human suffering" on here subpage.


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The Great Misunderstanding - Film Trailer

Here you can watch a 5 minutes film trailer of Premanandas new film "The Great Misunderstanding - Discover Your True Happiness With A Simple New Understanding". 


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Ananta: The Love Affair of Everybody is Myself

This interview with Ananta was done by Reinhold in August 2013 via internet. Ananta's events in Germany: Open Meetings am 29. und 31. August und ein Intensive Weekend 6.-8. September 2013, everthing in Berlin. More information: anantaberlin (at)


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Tibetan Buddhism: Interview with the nun Sarah Thresher

This Interview was done by Joe Schraube with the Tibetan nun Sarah Thresher 2013 at Dharamsala in India.




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Gangaji: The End of the Story

This interview with Gangaji was done by Iain McNay from Conscious TV




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Ian Wolstenholme: What is this?

This interview with Ian Wolstenholme was done by Reinhold  in May 2013 via Internet.





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Unmani: Nothing Less Than the Truth Will Do

This interview with Unmani was done by Reinhold in June 2013 via the Internet in English.





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Sri Vast: Celebrate Life

This Satsang with Sri Vast took place at the  19. Rainbow Spirit Festival in Munich in May 2012.



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Troy of Is and Signposter: Freedom from Thought Bubbles

Interview with Troy of Is and Signposter, October 2012. Questions by Reinhold. More information: 



Watch the video at YouTube...

Prashantam: Here Now, This is Our Buddha, Our Zorba

This interview with Prashantam was done by Devasetu during the 20. Rainbow Spirit Festival  in May 2013.



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Live-Video-Chat with Isaac Shapiro

The new recorded Live-Meetings with Isaac your will find here at Isaac's page at Here-Now-TV.




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Samarpan: Let the Light of Truth Shine onto Every Moment

Thanks to all particpants who gave permission to publish their sharings during the retreats in winter 2012/13.          Watch the video...


Mooji: The Self is Something We Cannot Touch

This interview was done by Reinhold with Mooji in May 2013 via internet in English.



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Samarpan: Knowing Nothing – This is Reality

Thanks to all participants who agreed with publishing their sharing of retreats with Samarpan during winter 2012.                           Watach the video...


Tony Parsons: Wonderfully Gloriously Meaningless

This interview with Tony Parsons did Sabina in April 2013.          Watch the video...


Veeresh: Thank God for the Women

This Darshan with Veeresh happened at the 19th Rainbow Spirit Festival at Munich in May 2012.



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Jac O’Keeffe: Finishing Suffering by Training the Mind Being Content

This interview with Jac was done by Reinhold in April 2013 via Internet.




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Samarpan: Only What This Moment Gives You

Thanks to all participants who agreed with publishing their sharing of retreats with Samarpan during winter / spring 2012/13.



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Isaac Shapiro: Receiving this Moment as a Kiss

This meeting happened in May 2012. Thanks Martha for filming it!




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Science and Nonduality Gathering in Europa 2013

From 28th of May to 2nd of June 2013 the second Science and Nonduality Gathering in Europe will take place, the SAND 2013 EUROPE - in The Netherlands, about 60 km from Amsterdam. Here the trailer and videos with Gangaji, Isaac Shapiro, Rick Linchitz, Thomas Hübl, Unmani, Jeff Foster and Francis Lucille from the SAND 2012.     Watch the videos...


Samarpan: In Freedom on Probation

Thanks to all participants who approved release of their sharings of a retreat with Samarpan in winter 2012 / 2013.          Watch the video...


Isaac Shapiro: This Life as Love Affair with Everything

This meeting happened in May 2012. Thanks Martha for filming it!




Watch the video...


Ellie Roozdar: All There Is Is THIS

This interview with Ellie Roozdar was done by Reinhold im Dec. 2012 via Internet.





Watch the video...


John de Ruiter: What is Important to Focus on in Meetings?

Part 1 of an interview with John de Ruiter by Patrick Kicken of NonDualiteit.


Watch all 4 parts here...


Jac O’ Keeffe: Nothing to Say About Truth

Thanks to Andreas Geissler who did this interview with Jac O’ Keeffe in October 2012 in Vienna and who gave us the permission to publish it. Also many thanks to Constantin Cranz for the translation into German.


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Samarpan: Considering and Admiring Our Children as Our Teachers

Thanks to all participants who agreed to publish their sharing during a retreat with Samarpan in autumn 2012.



Watch the video..

Samarpan: The Quantum Leap into the Light of the Present Moment


Thanks to all participants who gave their permission to publish their sharings which happened during a Retreat with Samarpan in autumn 2012.


Watch the video...


Premodaya: Just Trust Not Having Any Control Over Anything

This interview was done by Reinhold with Premodaya in October 2012 via Internet.                         Watch the video...


Mada Dalian: The Power of Consciousness

This interview was done by Reinhold with Mada Dalian from Vancouver in August 2012 via Internet.




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Federico Pistono: Robots Will Steal Your Job But That´s OK

On the german subpage of Teresa Arrieta (Change TV) there is an english interview with Federico Pistono "Robots Will Steal Your Job But That´s OK" and with Ronny Edry about his campaign "Israel loves Iran". Watch the videos...

Jac O'Keeffe: Enjoyment for No Reason and for No Person

This interview was done by Reinhold with Jac O'Keeffe summer 2012 via Internet.





Watch the videos...

Mada Dalian: Healing and Transformation

This interview was done by Reinhold with Mada Dalian from Vancouver in August 2012 via Internet.




Watch the video... 

Marta: Darshan at a Distance

We have included a new video from Marta with the title "Marta: Darshan at a distance" on her subpage.

Watch the video...


Andreas Müller: It is so Obvious and Normal – There is Only what is Happening

This OnesTalk was given in India in April 2012.





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Isaac Shapiro: Only interested in THAT

This interview was done by Marta with Isaac Shapiro in May 2012.




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Werner Ablass: Before and after Enlightenment

2nd part of the Intensive-Talk from Werner Ablass from April 28, 2012. In German with english subtitles.


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Foster Gamble: Thrive - The Movie

THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives.

Watch the video...



Hans Steinke: Just Now Part II

Just Now - Part II The Living Quality of Now with Hans Steinke is now online!


Watch the video...



Gara Vasara: The Baltic Spirit Festival

Here is an trailer from the upcoming Gara Vasara - festival of meditation, yoga, spiritual practices and self-development in Latvia. July 21-28, 2012.


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Samarpan: Here! …is Never Suffering

Thanks to all participants who gave their permission to publish their sharings which happened during several events with Samarpan in sprng 2012. Watch the videos...


HO: Being Prior to Recognition and Expression of Being

This Darshan with HO took place in January 2012 in Austira. Thanks to HO for offering us the possibily to publish these videos.



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Deva Premal & Miten: In The Light of Love

We have added two new videos from Deva Premal & Miten: "In The Light of Love" and "Till I was Loved by You".

Watch the videos...





Werner Ablass: Being Instead of Searching

Recorded Intensive-Talk with the author and coach Werner Ablass in Brackenheim-Germany on the topic "Awakening and Tranformation" at the 28th of Apr. 2012.


Watch the video...


Isaac Shapiro: The Secret Consists of Being Perceived

This Satsang with Isaac Shapiro took place at the 18. Rainbow Spirit Festival in June 2011 in Munich in Germany.



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Ellie Roozdar, 2nd Interview

Here is the second interview from Buddha at the Gas Pump with Ellie Roozdar, recorded on May, 12th 2012.

Watch the video...

Jeff Foster: We are Acceptance

This interview was conducted by Sabina with Jeff Foster at Berlin in March 2012. Watch the videos...


Rick Linchitz: The Whole World of Appearances within the Eternal Presence

This Satsang with Rick took place during the 18th Rainbow Spirit Festival in Munich in June 2011. The translating was done by Peter Makena.     Watch the videos...


The Art of Tai Chi - Discovery Of Our Inner World

How much are we taking care of our body and how? How much time can we give to gain knowledge of our inner processes and recognising our energies?

Watch this video for free on Thursday, 22. of March on

Watch the video...

Education for the New Generation – About the Giordano Bruno GlobalShift University

Isaac Shapiro: Our Attention can just Rest Here Now

This Satsang with Isaac Shapiro took place at the 18. Rainbow Spirit Festival in June 2011 in Munich in Germany.



Watch the Videos...


Sri Vast: Expanding and Being in Contact with Oneself

This Satsang with Sri Vast took place at the 18. Rainbow Spirit Festival im June 2011 in Munich.



Watch the videos...


Samarpan: Fall in Love with Your Being Human

Thanks to all participants who gave their permission to publish their sharings which happened during several events with Samarpan in summer and autumn 2011.



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Dolano: No more Wanting to Be Freed – This is Liberation

This Satsang with Dolano took place in Poona / India in Sept. 2011.



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HO: Healing Power of Pure Being

This speech was given from HO at the Sience and Non-Duality Conference 2011 in the United States.



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Andreas Müller: There is Only That Which Already Happens

This Interview with Andreas Müller was done by Nikhila in October 2011.




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Science and Nonduality Conference in Europe

From 29th of May to 3rd of June 2012 the first Science and Nonduality Conference in Europe will take place, the SAND 2012 EUROPE - in The Netherlands, about 60 km from Amsterdam.


As a spokesman e.g. Jeff Foster, Isaac Shapiro, Unmani, Karl Renz and Florian Schlosser will attend the conference.


We have created a subpage for the Science and Nonduality Conference in Europe with links to videos of Gangaji, Rick Linchitz, Francis Lucille, Unmani, Mooji, Jeff Foster and Amit Goswami from privious conferences and videos from Nisargadatta.   Watch the videos...


Francis Lucille: Consciousness is Universal

In the begining of this Interview from December 2011 Francis answered the questions in German. Then he switched over to English. So these are part 3 and part 4 of the interview in English. The questions were asked by Rheinhold via Internet.



Watch the videos...


HO: Be Silent and Experience the Value of Being – Here and Now

These videos were produced by HO G. Strauss himself and he gave to us the permission for publication. Thank you for this!


Watch the videos...


Film Festival: Spirit Enlightened

The film festival "Spirit Enlightened" has began and offers hundreds of films from around the world online and free of charge! It's worth a visit. Merry Christmas!

Visit the film festival

Cesar Teruel: Being in essence and humanity

This Satsang with Cesar Teruel took place in Berlin in Oktober 2011.


Watch the video...



Deva Premal ~ Love is Space ~

Songs from the album "Love is Space" from Deva Premal.


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Neeru: Expression of This

These videos with Neeru are from Goa in India.    Watch the videos...

Premananda: Coming to Awakening

This interview was done by Reinhold with Premananda at the Open Sky House in July 2011.   Watch the videos...

Bruce Lipton: Occupy Wallstreet

On our German Jetzt-TV page we have an (englisch) YouTube video embedded from Bruce Lipton on Occupy Wallstreet movement.

Watch the video...



Marta: We are Not the Personal Doers

Thanks to Marta for providing this video for publishing.




Watch the video...


Veeresh: The Heart is the Foundation

This Darshan with Veeresh happened at the 18th Rainbow Spirit Festival at Munich in June 2011.




Watch the videos...


Rick Linchitz: The “Locked Door” was Never There

The questions were asked to Rick Linchitz by Reinhold in October 2011.




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Elsbeth Maurer / Joy: Open your Heart

Maurer who has a child of the new generation: high sensibility, intelligent and active around the clock. She is a professional and pioneer to work with those children, families and teachers. Discover a new approach to these "KINDER des LICHTS" and learn the amazing story of her daughter "Joy".

Watch the video...

Buddha at the Gas Pump

Buddha at the Gas Pump offers a lot of great interviews and videos with spiritually awakened people. Take a look:

Shubhraji: The laws of Speech

This speech was given by Shubhraji during the 7. Yoga-Festival at Berlin in June 2011.



Watch the videos...


Ellie Roozdar: Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

Here's an interview with Ellie Roozdar made by the Website "Buddha at the Gas Pump" on October 2011.


Watch the video...


Narmada Devi: Tears of Bliss

This speech was given by Narmada during the 7. Yoga-Festival at Berlin in June 2011.



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Vivian Dittmar: Eagle and Condor – Life is an Amazing Adventure

This Interview with Vivian was done by Devasetu at the Höllbachhof in the Bavarian Forest in October 2011.



Watch the videos...



Angaangaq: Melting the Ice in Our Hearts

This speech was given by Angaangaq during the 18th Rainbow Spirit Festival at Munich in June 2011-09-28.



Watch the videos...



Mikael King: Living in the Now

We have added a new subpage for Mikael King. Featuring some of his videos and interviews: "Living in the now", "Hawaii 2012" and "Awakening the emotional DNA". Enjoy!

Watch the videos...


Mooji: The Imageless Ocean of Pure Being

This interview with Mooji was done by Reinhold in August 2011 via Internet.   

Watch the videos...

Benjamin Smythe: Interviewed by Teresa Arrieta

You will find an interview with Benjamin Smythe in english on our German Jetzt-TV site.


Watch the video...



Avinash and Gyandeva: Love is the Answer

This Satsang with Avinash and Gyandeva took place in May 2011.   Watch the videos...

Sarla: The Way of Love is Liberation of Suffering

This interview with Sarla was produced in May 2011.




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Canela Michelle Mayers: Interviews with NNHTV

We have added a new subpage for Canela Michelle Mayers with Interviews with Never Not Here TV (

Watch the videos...


Gabriele Rudolph: Me-ing is No Problem.

There is a new subpage for Gabriele Rudolph with her new video "Me-ing is no problem. It is the beloved in disguise."

Watch the video...


Trailer: "Non-duality Life as it is"

Trailer of the new DVD from Dr. Shankar, available June 2011.


Watch the video...

Ameen: To Be in Honesty

This interview has been done by Sabina with Ameen in Berlin in April 2011.


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UG Krishnamurti: The Black Hole of any Belief

There is now a new subpage for U.G. Krishnamurti.


Watch the videos...



J. Krishnamurti: Who are you?

There is an new subpage for Jiddu Krishnamurti with videos from YouTube and other sources. Enjoy!

Watch the videos...



Ramana Maharshi: The Sage of Arunachala

We have created a new page for Ramana Maharshi. Enjoy!


Watch the videos...



Zanko: The Gift of Being Touched

This Satsang with Zanko took place in Dezember 2010.



Watch the videos...




Tony Samara: Sharing with Each Other out of Overflowing Wealth

This interview on money and wealth with Tony Samara was produced with Sabina in February 2011. Thanks to the Samara Foundation for the production of these videos.   Watch the videos...


Ameen: Passion for Freedom

This interview did Sabina with Ameen in Berlin, December 2010.

Watch the videos... 

Jeff Foster: The perfect dream

We have added a new subpage for Jeff Foster now.

You can  watch there his latest YouTube videos like 'A perfect dream' or Talkings with Jeff Foster.

Watch the videos...



Dadi Janki: The Magic of Connecting

We have two new videos linked on our site:
One from Dadi Janki "The Magic of Connecting" and the other from Sister Jayanti with the title "2011 Matters - Timeless Wisdom". Both videos can be watched over for free.


Watch the videos...


Dalai Lama: The art of happiness - public teaching

Through a cooperation with we are proud to be able to publish three public events from the Dalai Lama to be watched free of charge over

To be able to watch these videos, a free registration at is required. 

Watch the videos...



Michael Barnett: Exploration of Resonance

This event with Michael Barnett took place in November 2010 in Berlin at the 17th Rainbow Spirit Festival.  



Watch the videos...



European Masters - Blueprints for Awakening

Premananda did interviews with twelve European Masters, he asked the same twelve questions about the teachings of Ramana Maharshi to each of them. From this material a book, a DVD and an internet page with video clips was created.  The masters: Christoper Titmuss, Deva Premal & Miten, Dolano, Mooji, Fancis Lucille, Karl Renz, Michael Barnett, Om, Padma & Torsten, Premananda, Rubert Spira und Tony Parsons.    Watch the videos...

Mahadevi: Living from one’s Heart

This meeting with Mahadevi was filmed in November 2010 in Berlin / Germany.




Watch the videos...



Bernie Prior: A Wide Opening to Embrace Everything as it is


This Satsang with Bernie Prior was filmed by Devasetu in August 2010.




Watch the video...



Pure Presence with Ananta

This video from Ananta shows her in an interview with Alan Steinfeld over her experience with awakening. 



Watch the video...




Nisargadatta and Science and Nonduality

We have added two new sup-pages here:
One for Neti Neti Media and The Science and Nonduality Conference

and one for Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.


Enjoy the videos!





Michael Roads: The Oneness of All Life

Michael Roads gave this talk during the 16. Rainbow Spirit Festival 2010 in Baden-Baden - with serval songs from „Nanne und Ankie“ from Holland. 


Watch the videos...



Eli: Everything is Flowing in its Own Way

This interview with Eli took place in June 2010 in Baden-Baden. The questions were asked by Yamika.



Watch the video...


Veeresh: I am Good, the Way I am

This Darshan with Veeresh was filmed by Maren at the Rainbow Spirit Festival 2010 in Baden-Baden in Germany. Thanks to Veeresh for the permission to publish these videos of this very alive event with him.


Watch the videos...


Premananda: Only This Moment Exists

This Satsang with Premananda was filmed by Devasetu at the first day at the 16. Rainbow Spirit Festivals 2010 in Baden-Baden / Germany.



Watch the Video...


Alex Wilson: Spirituality in Daily Life

We have added a new page for Alex Wilson and added his latest talks in english and his music-video 'always right time'.


Watch the videos...


Richard Lang: Who are We Really?

There is a new subpage with Richard Lang added to our menu. Richard Langs 8 videos about "Who are we really?" are now online.


Watch the videos...






Bernie Prior: Sex Free of Me

These videos are from a Satsang with Bernie Prior about the issue: "Sex Free of Me" from the year 2009. 



Watch the videos... 



Mariam Nour: Wecome Home

New videos from Mariam Nour, each will open at Home of Live, a coorporation project of Jetzt-TV / Here-Now-TV.            



Watch the videos...




Madhukar: Satsang in Goa

This video is from a Satsang with Madhukar in Goa / India.




Watch the video... 




Osho (former Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh): The Movie

You can share with us this documentary film from Robert Hillmann from 1978 with a lot of original pictures from Osho / Bhagwan and the Ashram in Poona at these days.




Watch the video...





River of Love - Mooji (Embrace 2)

New You-Tube video-clip was added on the Mooji page.


Watch the video here...







Ranjit Maharaj: The Shortest Way to Enlightenment

This video consits from a cut from the DVD: "Das Verlangen nach Freiheit" with Eli and Gangaji and from the DVD: "Beyond Knowing - Part 1" von Ranjit Maharaj. Thanks to Niket from Blissvideo Production for the permission to publishing.


Watch the videos...



Dr. Vijay Shankar: Absolute Understanding - Interview by Iain McNay

An interview with Dr. Vijay Shankar by Iain McNay (courtesy





Watch the videos...



"Arunachala Shiva - The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi"

The uncut movie: "Arunachala Shiva - The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi" (In English) momentarily online, the whole movie at Here-Now-TV, see at the monitor of Premananda-Satsang-TV below. The trailer of the movie you can watch here:


Papaji: The Door to Your Self

We have added a couple of YouTube videos from Papaji on his sub page.



Watch the videos...







Gaia: Everything Just Happens – No Doer

This video took place in October 2009 in Bad Wildungen in Germany. The questions were asked by Devasetu.




Watch the videos...



Nukunu: Stillness in the Midst of Turmoil

Nukunu himself has arrange that we got these videos to publish them at Jetzt-TV / Here-Now-TV. Thanks a lot for that. 


Watch the videos...





Niina: From the Aninism to the Absolute

Thank you to Niina for the permission to publish his Youtube videos here at Jetzt / Here-Now-TV.


Watch the video...





Eli und Gangaji: The Longing for Freedom

This video contents zwo cuts from the DVD "Das Verlangen nach Freiheit" (German title) with Eli and Gangaji and from the DVD "Die Bewegungen des Geistes", only with Gangaji. Thanks to Bliss Video for the prermission for publishing. 


Watch the Video...




John de Ruiter: The Living Way of Truth

This Satsang sharing with John de Ruiter is from October 2009 in Edmonton / Canda.  Thanks to Oasis Edmonton Inc. for the permission for publishing. 



Watch the videos...





Ramesh Balsekar: The Will of God

These video recordings are from November 2008 from a Talk with Ramesh at Bombay. About happiness, enlightment, the source and the ego as a three-dimensional body-mind-object.


Watch the videos...



Tyohar: Graceful Surrender into the Moment

This interview with Tyohar took place in September 2009 in Verona / Italy. The questions are asked by Devasetu. The language is English without translation.


Watch the videos...



Kailash Kokopelli: From his Concerts

Kailash Kokopelli has sent to us these recordings from differents of his concerts for publishing.



Watch the Videos...



Interview with Eckhart Tolle on CBC

An interview with Eckhart on CBC "The Hour". This 13 minutes interview is in english and embedded on YouTube.

Watch the video...




Karl Renz: Is There Any Hope in Depression?

These videos were recorded in Berlin July 2009. The language is English with out Translation.



Watch the videos...

Gangaji und Eli: Serving Freedom and Truth First

This interview with Gangaji and Eli took place in June 2009 in Baden-Baden / Gemany. The language is English with German translation.


Watch the videos...


We have put links to a beautiful collection of videos from the great Indian mystic Osho at the Home of Life page:




Watch the videos...




Thanks to Shanti for the portrait.



Other Websites and Projects

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