Talk with Lisa Cairns from summer 2014.
Talk with Lisa Cairns from summer 2014.
Talk with Lisa Cairns from summer 2014.
This Talk with Lisa Cairns is from summer 2014.
This Talk with Lisa Cairns is from summer 2014.
This Talk with Lisa Cairns is from summer 2014.
Interview filmed during Lisa Cairns' Spring retreat in Hawaii (@ Center for the Waking Mind). Lisa sits down with Craig Villarrubia to discuss her new book, Nonduality, A Course in Miracles, and much about nothing :) Watch the video
This talk with Lisa took place in July 2014 in Belgium.
The inability of you seeing awareness or changing; reduction of clouding; the “center” of perception; no being that knows anything; constantly moving energy; no thing; the imagination of no thing; THIS is void; no difference between out there and in here; the idea of a receptor of thoughts; thoughts are appearing like anything else; attempts to describe non-duality; what is a miracle? all the same energy, just all appearances; thoughts appearing in boundlessness; interpretations; not divided; the person that dreams in opposites; the craziness of it all; video “The Wise Man!” and “What is my true nature?” (; the only problem is the person that is interpreting things; unbearable lightness of being; endless; the origin of statements; no barriers between things and observer; just love – not in the sense of a feeling; not knowing how it works; no juice in ending suffering; sometimes non-duality gets mixed with healing the world; the person is just “a functioning playing out”; seekers got the sense of abandonment by god; who is the main puppeteer?; quotes from Alan Watts on the big bang; the origin of duality; not knowing anything; everything has the spark.
This talk with Lisa took place in July 2014 in Belgium.
The meaning of Darshan; a Osho story about men and women; personal affirmations; about not having or having questions; stories about discriminations; follow your heart and don’t try to please the other; situations and mirroring; the law of attraction; you have major parts in mirroring and attraction and making it conscious; the teaching nature of illness; Veeresh’s experience with “Who am I?”; no words, just appreciation; the fear of sexual orgasm; denial of reality as the basis of mental illness; “I need love – not pain” exercise; self affirmation; love starts with a good feeling; “en-love-ment” instead of “enlightenment”; about overcoming unworthiness; not having to pay a price; “Just the way I am right now is enough” exercise; the role model of the parents; growing out of blaming parents; resentment as one of the worst emotions (because it is not shared); about forgiving and letting go; the story of the two women; with swallowing NOs the body starts eating itself up; writing letters as a way of expressing it; “I forgive my parents for not being perfect” exercise; “I forgive myself for not being perfect” exercise – the bottom line; how to overcome problems of having to work in a way one does not want to work; create what you want; turning horrible situations; situations do not determine who we are; how can I make my work turn me on? Seeing it more like a meditation; the open heart is the battery for all light bulbs; make decisions from your heart not from your mind; the behavior can always be questioned; “In my heart I am perfect” exercise; don’t give up with your brothers and sisters; resentment is about punishing oneself; “love is always the answer” exercise.
This talk with Lisa took place in July 2014 in Belgium. As for cooling several fans were running in the room, the sound quality is unfortunately affected.
Alan Watts: Life is motion; the fact of nothing; we all basically nothing; nothingness, the fundamental reality; the question what is consciousness; when the world disappears while cutting vegetables; the suffering to be lost in a thought; thoughts are not the problem, they are as everything part of THIS; when the “you” is lost in intimacy; the beauty of the disappearing of the one who thinks he knows something; no person during sleep; the nothing – the mother of everything; nothing, not to see and not to imaging; the freedom when everything disappears; the world, a endless creation and destruction, terrible when it is seen as happening to someone; the freedom in “it’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone…”; the fear in an animal without suffering; the ordinariness, simplicity and childlikeness of liberation; the freedom of the animals to have no idea of themselves; when is seems to the human beings that the animals are having a person inside too; the beauty before the words; about the side effects of Nonduality; the giving up to try to change somebody; Lisa, not speaking about Nonduality as less somebody asks; the arrogance to give advise; the permission to feel that there is nobody – no person – inside the body; everything is an appearance; we are only characters like in a cartoon; the cartoon video at YouTube: “What is my true nature? – Part 1” from the series: “The Avaita trap”.
This talk with Lisa took place in July 2014 in Belgium. As for cooling several fans were running in the room, the sound quality is unfortunately affected.
Suffering, that comes from the idea of separation and from the complicated thinking; from the telling of what this body has done to the idea of “me” and “my life”; when the world is viewed through the lens of “me” and “my”; the idea of a separate entity, living in the body which can choose; the idea of meaning and purpose; the freedom is what is happening; the horizontal way of the human beings to see live with time and with relationships between objects; the idea and wish to have only pleasurable sensations; pleasure and pain come and go; the freedom is not in pleasure but in what is happening; it can never be understood what is happening, it just is; everything will turn to dust and will disappear, as well our bodies, they are not of importance; we are everything and not our bodies; turn to dust means to disappear; freedom is the nature of everything; the actual experience – absolute emptiness; speaking and hearing is happening without any separation; everything is nothing, this is the gift and the beauty of it; only one energy expressing itself in every appearance; there is nothing that could be in another way as it appears; about witnessing; not even witnessing, just a disappearing of everything; about the I-energy; the beingness or nothingness playing the game of the idea of “separate persons”; liberation is the nature of everything; no one is doing something to someone – there is just doing bubbling up like water in a hot spring; life is so messy; when life is seen as a mean game; there is nobody in there in the body who is creating the appearances, just what is happening is happening; about meditation; when all the illusions collapse; different meanings for different people about what it means to be realized; when there is the mentality that suffering is needed to come to freedom; our culture of deserving; the question how to know when the illusion is gone and if seeking could come back; that, what is not knowable but is; the future – not to know at all; the me can come back anytime; when a friend has died the question who has dies and who is there separate from the body that has died; the memory of the separate self goes with the body; nothing ever dies; it is all one energy, therefore it is love; the contracted energy of “me”; the self is an energetic experience; the incredible vulnerability when the sensations are not put in a story; the collapse of the self is totally energetically, really hard for the body, like an explosion.
This talk with Lisa took place in July 2014 in Belgium. As for cooling several fans were running in the room, the sound quality is unfortunately affected.
Experiencer and experience; the game of seeking pleasure and avoiding pain; liberation is the falling away of the believe in separateness; pleasure and pain come and go; the nature of everything is free; “you” is an experience that comes and goes; not knowing how it works but ultimately there is no world different from what is happening; which-ever you see is yourself; spiritual interest as part of the wiring and conditioning; not knowing who is doing it all; the nature of grace; not good not bad; the one with the intention to change something is an absolute illusion; the game of “I am the one controlling”; enlightenment is the dropping of the one that is looking; different interests in different “me stories”; nowhere to go; the freedom in the pointlessness; the pointlessness is heaven; discomfort is playing itself out; appearances of characters coming and going; one endless movement – no thing; never having any clue what it is; the apparent movement of the energy – similar to a kaleidoscope; no separation from boundlessness; the nature of being-ness and “I”; no more belonging of thoughts about pleasure and suffering for anyone; the process of deconstructing the “I” is an imagination in the dream; the energy of being a “me” dissolves in all bodies eventually; there was never ever a you; the obsession of the mind; when the energy stops going into division; the person is always in story-land; all comes to nothing; why not? Alan Watts quotes on nothingness as the fundamental reality.
This interview was conducted by Andreas Hegewald alias ANdy with Lisa Cairns in November 2014. Camera: ANdy; translation: Oreas Kotschi.
About the talks by Lisa Cairns; the talk as an indication to everything; the childlike beingness which is hidden by the idea of a person and a world; everything feels secluded home, which in turn is everything; if the message that there is no one, is understood intellectually that can lead to a state of indifference, coldness and separateness; it is not possible to separate the film from the screen; about dealing with suffering; there can exist physical pain, without the existing of thoughts of suffering; when a mind-body system expresses sorrow, then it is obvious; if the separate person dissolves all projections on inward and outward are at an end; life happens, and there’s simply what is and is not to be described; suffering is appearing for none, but it appears; about Neoadvaita; if the person has dissolved, then listen personal condemnation has come to an end, but anyhow condemnation can appear in that what is appearing; when no one is there who is distinguishing between inside and outside; it is the pure love if you, for example, can recognize someone else’s hatred as your own hatred; the diversity of the type of the expression with different teachers as Ramesh Balsekar or Tony Parsons; do not trust what comes out of a mouth, the spoken word is never true, but also not untrue; even after awakening, a sense of “self” can appear again; there is no one who is awake; about the benefits of meditation; on the idea of a world in which there are only awakened ones; silence, which means not only not to speak, is the peaceful answer to everything; ideas cannot create peace; silence is what happens in every moment – people have forgotten this and therefore seek freedom in the movement; about the difference between happiness and the awakened state; awakening is the collapse of the false idea of being someone that is separate from everything else; about love and sexuality after awakening.
This talk with Lisa took place in November 2014 in Berlin.
When we got in Nonduality out of unhappiness and discomfort and from the sense, there is something not quite right – and when the understanding of Nonduality gets very intellectual; the discomfort from the sense of being separate from life; the sense of sickness when life give us not what we are expecting – the byproduct of the believe to be a separate body; not what we think or feel to as problem is the problem – problems do not exist, only movement is happening, which is love; the problem of the humans to have the idea that life is happening to us, which becomes a sickness and an energetic sense in the body; the lie that others would create our problems; the impossibility to get away from the flow of life; the nature of everything – love, beyond personal love; everything is always free and we are everything; love in every experiences, but often not recognized because of our focus to be a separate person; the whole room is vibrating love; when it becomes obvious that there are no things and that nothing is happening; the way out of the illusion in falling in love with the illusion; it is never true what we think about the present situation; there is no inside and outside of us – everything is happening in THIS; no distance between us; the “experiencer” – only an imagining; the change from “there is somebody inside here” to life is just appearing; experiencing is happening in boundlessness; no answer to the question “How did you become you?”; the love to say that there is nobody; no person, just life unfolding happening; it is all you – we are getting the joy of both sides; intimacy with all things that appear; what the pictures of a beheading are triggering in us; emotions, but not belonging to anyone; when in the illusion of a separate person everything is seen in separation and the other is seen as a “bad evil person”; the altruistic character of the humans; the feeling victim also of the active person; the tension out of that we are looking for love at the wrong place; the difference between animals and humans; the working of language through comparisons between different objects; prior language pure experiencing for nobody; the nature of absolute spontaneous impersonal creativity; about purpose, just a made up word; the purpose of the moment is creativity that what is happening; about the film “I am”; about the idea “to save others”; the end of suffering is not in saving the world; all objects will come and go; in the instant of this moment no separation, just freedom and boundlessness; past and future does not really exist; ultimate there is no good or bad action; everything is always changing.
This talk with Lisa took place in July 2014 in Belgium. As for cooling several fans were running in the room, the sound quality is unfortunately affected.
The beauty of nonduality; descriptions are not actualities; it is just what is; this is it; not understandable; there has only ever been “two” in imagination; just boundlessness and no sense at all; who came to “Lisa” today? the image is creating the suffering; the appearance of self and other appearing somewhere; animals never fall in a sense of self; Ramana Maharshi statements; the joy of watching animals; humans leave home and can return home while animals cannot return home because they never leave home; identification as combination of an energy, thoughts, feelings and sensations; the change of energy may happen into freedom as it is programmed; just programs in the boundlessness; no separation; no space; human is always imagining separation; it is always moving; being screwed in limited language; not knowing what is happening; challenged explaining silence; “consciousness” is form too; two is form; uncomfortable loneliness; ultimately all the illusions will dissolve; the person is abandoned and recreated at every moment; transforming into something else.
The recording of the Live-Talk with Lisa Cairns and Paul Smit from the 26th of Nov. 2014 you can watch here.
This talk with Lisa took place in June 2014 in Vienna. It was the last talk of the meeting.
The question, where the thoughts are appearing – in the brain or wherever? – And where they are coming from?; the question: brings us suffering to look for an answer in Nonduality?; about identity in partnership and the ideas about romantic relationships; the development from a love relationship to a hate thing, to a neurotic relationship; the way by expectations at partner to suffering; the idea that the other one will produce “my happiness”; as soon as we start to personalize in relationships often the problems are starting; when one partner wants to “work out the problems”, but the other one don’t see problems, because he or she is no more personalizing anymore; no idea how relationships are really working; everything is hopeless – nothing can give “it” to us; about the crazy idea “I have given you the best years of my life”; less personal ideas, more happiness in relationships; there is nobody there ever doing anything – only doing is happening; the mind is so used to look at cause and effect; there are no separate things, so no cause and effect can never happens; the answer to all questions: there is no-thing appearing as something; all kinds of feeling just happening – but no more “my” feelings; about anxiety; the nakedness when the boarders about you are there I am here are dissolving.
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This talk with Lisa took place in June 2014 in Vienna.
All is appearing and we don't know why this is happening; not being in a position to understand it; believing to be separate entities who can choose; the actual experience is one flow happening; the energies focus on taking the description for the reality; not perceiving thoughts but holding thoughts for actuality; liberation stories are thoughts being happening; there is only THIS - but we cannot name it and we cannot distinguish in THIS; but words can come in and start the game; the body is just a way of experiencing; the false interpretation of what is happening can deconstruct itself; just like the fish can swim the human can think – just a functioning appearing in humans to put them into a position to communicate; getting so involved into what we believe to know; beginning to experience that everything is empty; the purpose is just being; humans get lost in purposes but never get to the bottom of it; the idea of dying with no meaning is scary for many humans; vanishing of the body has no meaning either; the deconstruction of any meaning at all is hard for many; just movements of energies in the particular forms; the relaxing and funny aspects of the concept of “no meaning”; just playing / appearing for playing's / appearing's sake but leading nowhere; no beginning and no end, no cause and no effect – just features of human communication; it comes down to “that's what is happening”; physical pain when different believe systems meet; human programming to go after money; the body is seeking for survival; it is hilarious to watch animals in their programming’s; the kingdoms of human opinions; phases of believing that the body cannot function anymore; not someone who cares about fear; arguments with Advaita people; the nature of the human self; “Who would you be if you didn't know things?”; the nature of apparent choice; it always comes back to “I don't know.”; Vipassana? There is no thing that can get you anywhere; it is only what is happening.
This talk with Lisa took place in June 2014 in Vienna.
The possibility of the me energy to come back; away from the contracted and tight me world – so difficult to speak about; Nonduality speakers, ending up in silence; the weird idea of being a me or being not a me; the end of the suffering and contracting energy; more and less identification with the body and personality; the heaviness of the society on forcing us to “be someone”; the questions how does it feels to not feel a me anymore; no individuals here to create anything; a flow of energy that is expressing itself; no activity of being; no way to get to and no reason for life; about the word grace; impulses are appearing like to meditate but there is nobody to whom these impulses are happening – everything is appearing in freedom, even when there is an energy shouting it is me, me, me; what we are doing is not our action; the original I am-ness is everywhere; we have never influenced anything; the “me infected part of the society” is only seen by the me – otherwise there is only emptiness; about surrendering and resistance; the me energy is never ever really found; the habit to look always for something else; the big question mark about what is happening between the master and disciple; one energy is creating all these spectacular forms; the me set up to look for something better; the human beings, carried away with the idea of surviving, being the best, getting things, carried away in these games; the nakedness right here is enough; the feeling of humans “I am not enough”; about responsibility; the humans are a really giving animal, surviving in a community; the body just carries on as a communional animal; a appearance of choices, but not anyone making choices; everything out of the blue; about taking life personal; no reason why Lisa is sitting there; everything is a movement, everything is always changing, there for there are no things; lost is the beauty; where does the sensing starts and stops?; we feel the cold (cold weather) – the dog is no different from the cold, without the word “cold”; a experience with young children, how complicated thinking is developing and creating suffering; about children conquering the their body.
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This talk with Lisa took place in July 2014 in Belgium. As for cooling several fans were running in the room, the sound quality is unfortunately affected.
No separate things, only life that is expressing itself, energy that is transforming constantly in new things; because of its ability of complicated thinking “poor” human knows about the death of its body; humans are thinking they are the body; a example of the effect of the ability of complicated thinking; the thinking is not bad but it has “gone on a funny path” and it is creating suffering; the nature of everything is freedom; the nature of everything is to disappear; from the amazing ability to remember, humans take that memory as who they are; no truth in thinking; it’s our nature to be gone, gone, gone…; this which does not comes and goes, nothing and everything – always it; appearing and disappearing of the body with the thought of it; beingness in with everything is coming and going; believing that I am the body is like believing I am the sunlight; the question who you are without you?; nobody in the body who is doing something; a odd dream with Lisa; no experience is better than another; nothing wrong with irritation; life is messy; about consciousness; a Sutra on emptiness; consciousness – another appearance in that what is coming and going; the question mark about the meaning of aliveness and consciousness; knowing without thinking; our conditioning (or wiring) is totally not personal; suffering depends on how heavy the identification is, not on the conditioning itself; the heat (in the room) and the sensing of the heat – there is no separation; only energy and thoughts appearing, there is nobody in the body; the cosmic joke that it seems there is somebody in there in the body having the experiences; life is getting more intensely but there is nobody who cares about it; when we talk about experiences there is more and more: I don’t know.
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This talk with Lisa took place in June 2014 in Vienna.
The topic time; time – no reality, only functional; about the Jesus story; the idea that something “great will come”; the idea of a savior; time, not existing for animals; the feeling to move in space and time; where is the you?; no story of sharing energy in the talks; the Zen story about good or bad – maybe?; talks – and nothing to talk about; who cares what is happening or not?; the limitation in the way we think; not knowing what is happening; everything made out of nothing; the ability of human beings to compare and to go for pleasure and to avoid pain; no you anymore which is seemingly “running the show”; fear of not knowing; nobody that is choosing; only appearances are happening; nobody separately, independently acting; “choices are motherfucker”; about Lisa’s ride in the fun park “Prater” in the morning; the end of the personal entity; life happens as it happens, no chance to change anything; about the illusion of the law of attraction; about the thought “let’s love everybody”; there is no you in there, only appearances; everything is appearing in the boundless freedom; nothing ever means anything; the pour humans got lost in meaning – so funny, and also sad.
This talk with Lisa took place in June 2014 in Vienna.
Not knowing what the talks are about; deconstruction of the self; not knowing; not somebody to hold on anything; the beauty of watching animals; expression happening – not good not bad not right not wrong; humans can describe the body in time; humans can do complicated things; the amazing ability to think; the freedom of life; perceiving oneself in relationship with the world; imagining ourselves having or loosing things and many other ideas; imagining creates amazing things but also can lead to suffering; losing everything about you; energetic happening; the you appears but has no reality as unit in relationship with the world; no thing to hold on as me; just happening but not for anyone; speaking in an imagined land; freedom is everything’s nature; where is your life? Non duality is all you ever wanted; we see the world through thoughts; how is it after awakening? stopping suffering; no center; caring about not seeking anymore; meaninglessness of everything; it all seems to be happening; nobody there to register; person is focusing on things believed to be helpful; just appearances coming and going, just imagined space; animals as example of freedom; before awakening it was all about making it better; what can possibly be better than this? The period of dryness of not being able to find “it” anywhere in the world; everything comes and goes; emptiness rather than stillness; no defense; nothing to change; all persons including you are imagination; the person is looking everywhere for the end of suffering; suffering is the energy of looking for something better; discussion on boredom; the person is a fiction; it just is as it is; discussion on personalization; discussion on the nature of existence, perception and imagination; not knowing; being in what is happening often means less suffering; the mind trying to find a meaning; no purpose at all; the “saving the world” period on the “spiritual path”; the character is just a function; the nature of energetic expressions; discussion on fear and the mind looking for ways of getting out of it; the shift to boundless can happen but cannot be made; there is no hope in appearances; there is not someone in there who is choosing anything; no freedom in imagination; not two.
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The video of the live interview with Lisa Cairns with questions of Sabine and Jeet Jeet TV and Devasetu from the 13th of May 2014 is now clickable as a recording.
This meeting with Lisa Cairns took place in March 2014 in Berlin. Thanks to Manik for the filming.
What happens after the body dies; the end of suffering is the end of the separate entity; physical death is not relevant; the nature of the “separate entity”; relaxation of the energy of “me”; that one thing that stays the same; energy shift from narrow to everything; the end of frustration; the end of goals; it has nothing to do with “if I had ...”; all that is said is a story; disposing bullshit by bullshit; traumatized persons; certain thinking capabilities required to get lost in the stories; child like behavior as indicator of state of consciousness; irrelevance of being in a partnership; impulse driven life; going back to be the animal that you are; no strong personal desires; importance of achieving anything goes; the importance of the individual in the Western World; paradise and hell go hand in hand; no hope for a new earth; no niceness in humans; survival programming; conditioning to niceness; all ideas of peaceful earth have to drop; no hope in the world of things.
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This meeting with Lisa Cairns took place in March 2014 in Berlin. Thanks to Manik for the filming.
The believe that we live and create our life and that we have to create our happiness; the dream of a paradise in future; the illusion of the idea of me; the funky daydreams that we can turn the ship of our life in direction of paradise; at the end of day the feeling arises that something is missing; the feeling to have “chosen wrongly”; we have never lived our life, because there is nobody to do so; live is always just happening, we are not the creator – a credible relieve; no knowing why “our” life is happening; our nature – boundless freedom; pleasure always comes and goes; the freedom not to look for pleasure; it is here, everything, right now, without separation; not possible to get rid of oneself; the focusing of the mind of how and why – a narrow energy; expansion is always there; the body – one of the things that appears and comes and goes in the beingness; also feelings are coming and going like everything – what a relieve to just feel them without story around them; less focus on the me and more focus on the space where everything is appearing in; the joke of the whole enlightenment story; the boundlessness is the first thing – always; the destiny of the body to die; there is and there was always freedom; no more endless repetition of the “own” story; when it is realized that there is nothing to achieve; nothing anymore to hold on; the emptiness in everything; sound is happening – and at the same time is not happening; the emptiness behind the hunting for pleasure; meaning is mean; we love the changing – but the changing means also that everything is lost; to face that everything will die – that is cruel and beautiful; never hold on to pleasure; the worry of the people in the rich societies what “to have chosen”; less suffering of the people in the poorer countries because they have less time to reflect on what they have done or not done; the increasing number of speakers on Non-duality; peace in the middle of war; the necessity to kill animals or plants to have food to survive; to kill vegetable is as cruel as to kill animals to eat them; death is death, not so bad as we think about it; the fear of vegetarians of death; the impossibility to be at the place to not create death; the pure beingness of animals in dying; no choice even about complaining when it happens; the mental contraction out of the idea of having choices; about the concepts of souls; the choices of the body – simply what the body does; so many hate and judgment and suffering is based on the idea of having choices; no entity to find behind the choices; the relaxing of the choice dynamics; everything is one movement; when there is nobody to do the choice, how can we blame somebody for the choice?; nobody in the body – just life happening; about the concept of rebirth; the idea of the mind that there is something to learn in life; the freedom in pointlessness.
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This interview was done by Sabina with Lisa Cairns in January 2014 near Munich.
The end of suffering; not knowing; life appearing out of who knows what; no boundaries; no control; no boundaries between perceptions and their ends; not anyone can understand; thought puts interpretations on top of the sensations which happen in the boundless space; no you or I in the massive amount of appearances; all suffering comes from the made up person which is based on assumptions; not knowing who we are; no ability of letting go; fighting falls away; everything is unknowable; the drama around the assumption of a free will; where do the thoughts come from?; everything is spontaneously appearing from nothing; the programming of the body; the problems starts when it is taken personally; prior to language there was just action happening; with language it began to be taken to who entities; these entities became stronger and stronger; societies which have the strongest emphasis on individuality seem to have the highest depression rates; thoughts should be spontaneously appearing instead of being biased by the believe in the entity and its story in time; entities seem to be programmed to avoid silence – which is like death; the impulse of doing what one wants to do is in lala-land; not knowing what one wants to do; never finding the perfect place of doing what one wants to do; no you who could do anything; life is messy but beautiful; everything is free to appear or disappear; no longer “you have to be like this”; the boundless wonder and freedom as the me dissolves; everything is screaming this presence and enlightenment; society seems to be teaching individuality and beliefs of not being good enough; the essence of everything is love; the relationship between male and female; no individual soul; karma is mainly cause and effect and there is a lot of confusion about karma in “spiritual” circles; all is here now; the actual experience is that all appears from who knows what.
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For more videos with Lisa Cairns at YouTube please click here.
After a violent near death experience at six years old, Lisa had her first awakening. This inspired a long and intensive search for the truth of things. She studied with many great teachers in the west and east, through many different spiritual traditions…
In 2008 she had her final awakening and let go of self. There she remains and transmits the love and pure essence of oneness to other people, she does this in her silence and physical presence, also through words. She invites you in to the space of Love…. And if you believe this story, you’ll believe anything! (its not true) :D Stories are very convincing, the question is – are they ever true?….tehehehe… big love and laughter, Lisaxx
Last update: 20th of May, 2018