“I tell you about what is possible: how life and doing happens without the feeling of being the doer, without fear and pressure, miraculously carried by that which always was and always is. This is the beginning of the return to paradise – while you are alive. This is your possibility. This is your goal. It has never been easier.”
Experience Dhyan Mikael live online. Send questions to Dhyan Mikael in advance or via Zoom verbally or in the Zoom chat or in the chat via YouTube. Anyone who is present via Zoom with the camera switched on can also be seen on YouTube and in the recording published later.
Links directly to the English Online Satsang on Saturday, April 1, 8 - 9:30 pm:
Further event information on Dhyan Mikael's website.
Donations to Dhyan Mikael and/or Jetzt-TV are welcome.
Website: dhyanmikael.com
All Videos from Dhyan Mikael at https://dhyanmikael.com/videos
More international English Online Satsangs with Dhyan Mikael: Tuesday, April 1; Friday, May 2; Tuesday, June 3; Tuesday, July 1, each from 20 to 21.30 h (CET). More information about the English Online Satsangs here.
How does a holy life come about? This trilogy is about how to do this in concrete terms, and I share details from three areas of my life: meditation, spiritual life and practical, worldly life. Let yourself be inspired and experience what your holy life wants to look like.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded March 21, 2025, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Living holily on Earth. My everyday, part 1 of 3: how I meditate.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Auf der Erde heilig leben. Mein Alltag, Teil 1 von 3 – wie ich meditiere. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
English with English and German subtitles
English Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of March 1, 2025. Thank you for this. Here-Now-TV is possible through your donation: paypal.com/paypalme/WolframUmlauf .
Topics: That what happens, happens by itself. Samarpan Meditation. In Meditation, you are not alone anymore. Becoming sensitive again. Being alone means: being with yourself. The feelings are not important. The Earth takes care of the body. Those who trigger you bring you the gifts. It's not your job to change yourself. You cannot accept yourself – but God can. Remarks on Samarpan Meditation. Who is the boss here?
Watch on Youtube and advert-free on Vimeo.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
We believe we need discipline and rules to do the right thing. Someone who says: "Just be the way you are" sounds like a fool to us. But in reality, this is the only way – when meditation is added and love and wisdom start growing within us.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded February 28, 2025, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Without the Ten Commandments: how meditation awakens inner love and wisdom.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Ohne die Zehn Gebote – wie Meditation innere Liebe und Weisheit weckt. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
Why are there people who meditate and are disappointed? How can they also reach their goal? There is this first yes, this first surrender, but then you discover that it is also about taking the second step and becoming a yes, becoming surrender.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded February 22, 2025, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Two Steps to Heaven: turning point of the spiritual path.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Zwei Schritte zum Himmel – vom Wendepunkt des spirituellen Weges. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
Why is the spiritual path so serious and difficult? And can I make it easy for myself? I explain why you find it incomprehensible that it is actually easy, and what you can do to get through the night and return to the innocence that Jesus spoke of.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded February 12, 2025, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: The Return of Innocence: indications for the Dark Night of the Soul.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Die Rückkehr der Unschuld – Hinweise für die dunkle Nacht der Seele. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
English with English and German subtitles
English Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of February 8, 2025. Thank you for this. Here-Now-TV is possible through your donation: paypal.com/paypalme/WolframUmlauf .
Topics: With expectation, it's not meditation. Who is the boss here? The invisible magic of the u-tube. One path or many? Can I meditate another way? The misunderstanding about acceptance. Nobody needs sex. Sensitivity demands you take care of yourself. And then you understand Jesus. Don't try to understand or remember. Anybody can find Heaven. When you forget your body. Forget that you can't do it.
Watch on Youtube, , and advert-free on Vimeo.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
Why do we incarnate as human beings only to struggle to find our way back to Heaven, where we were in the first place? Anyone who struggles with life and themselves has already experienced the answer for themselves. Discover how your life can become the gift that it is.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded February 6, 2025, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: The Smile of the Buddha: No Heaven without Earth.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Das Lächeln des Buddha – Kein Himmel ohne Erde. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
English with English and German subtitles
English Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of December 28, 2024. Thank you for this. Here-Now-TV is possible through your donation: paypal.com/paypalme/WolframUmlauf .
Topics: You cannot help your mother. Welcome the fear to stay forever. Finding your true ground. Meditation – is that all? You don't need me. Meditating for long hours? Your meditation is not your responsibility. How is it to be a Saint? Being alone is not the problem. You can't let go of doership. Why I don't do meditation sessions. What's the right time for meditation? With expectations, it's not meditation.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
Everyone wants peace, and yet there is war, because no one seems to know where peace comes from. Yet the source is so close, and it is only up to you to discover it. Jesus set an example, in a very practical way, and anyone who wants to can do the same.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded December 27, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: The Source of Peace: everything is in your hand.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Die Quelle des Friedens – alles liegt in deiner Hand. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
Jesus has always touched me deeply, but what I was told about him remained vague and incomprehensible to me. Only now do I know, from my own experience, what the Christian message means. It is beautiful, concrete and helpful – for those who understand it.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded December 20, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Turn around and live: what Jesus really meant.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Kehr um und lebe – wovon Jesus wirklich sprach. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
German with English and German subtitles
German Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of December 20, 2024. Thank you for this. Here-Now-TV is possible through your donation: paypal.com/paypalme/WolframUmlauf .
Topics: Guilt, forgiveness and karma. The sins of the fathers are passed on. Without expectations, all problems disappear. You cannot change the ego. I am powerless. Your meditation is not your business. Meditate for half an hour, and then: live. Being a servant of life. How to deal with suffering and agony in the world? No more room for one's own wishes. Gurus are one of those things.
From the content of the video: Guilt and forgiveness, the biggest topic in human history, which is why the Bible begins with it. The function of the brain to evaluate creates separation between me and other people and also from myself, which leads to the development of the "ego". This is how paradise ended and we developed our own hell. Guilt arises from thinking and judging others and myself. The way out is acceptance, accepting myself and others as we are. - Other topics: Being messed up is passed on from generation to generation; coming to peace with ourselves; stopping having expectations of others; when you get to know the noise within yourself while meditating; everything important and right happens on its own, without our doing; staying meditative in everyday life; saying yes to what comes naturally..., and many more topics in the video.
Watch on Youtube, Facebook, telegram and advert-free on Vimeo.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
We are convinced that change only happens when we want something different. I recommend the opposite, and it sounds absurd: to say yes with joy, to your heart attack, to your addiction, to everything. But precisely this is the key to life and to Heaven.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded December 1, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: The Magic of a Yes out of Joy: how all problems instantly disappear.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Die Magie eines Ja aus Freude – wie alle Probleme sofort verschwinden. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
German with English and German subtitles
German Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of November 21, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: Why are men open despite being in a relationship? What do the Ten Commandments mean? Envy is not the problem. What is the meaning of life? Why conversations are often so difficult. Should I, or shouldn't I? The answer. You don't have to do it alone. You don't need to know how to do it. Surrender – turning towards life. I am just the water pipe. Isn't the soul always whole? Jesus was a turning point in time. How to bring silence into everyday life? Support me if it gives you joy.
From the content of the video: Dhyan Mikael lived with his spiritual teacher for 25 years, traveling with him in Germany, Europe and in life. And now he has started to talk about what he has learned and how life can work once you have figured it out. And that's what he does in his videos and also here in Satsang, and if you have questions, you are welcome to ask them here about your spiritual path or your life. Topics/questions in Satsang include: steady relationships and affairs, misunderstandings and the different biology between men and women. How can I deal with envy? When you are not in your thoughts, you are in the moment and it is what is. Being exhausted, having lost the meaning of life and wondering why I am here? What is the meaning of life? Mikael has a cold and life takes away his every opportunity to do something, and it is so soothing. We seek our happiness out there, that's how we grow up, and if that were all, then it makes no sense, everyone knows we will die. Jesus spoke about eternity, that in the Father's kingdom no time exists. Swamiji, with whom Dhyan Mikael is now, says: You are not this body, you are a soul, you are that which is timeless, the soul is that which is still there when the body has long since died. To discover this while you are alive is the meaning of life. Today we live in quite amazing times in which this is possible for ordinary people. And much more.
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
You feel needy, and you think you know the problem. But when you solve it, you discover that the neediness remains, and you find a new problem as an explanation for the old dissatisfaction. Only those who know the true cause can discover what will satisfy forever.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded November 10, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: The End of Neediness: how to become satisfied forever.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles and chapter markers. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Das Ende der Bedürftigkeit – wie man für immer zufrieden wird. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
There was a great response to the video on "Living without thoughts" – and many objections and questions, and I answer some of them in this part 2: Can you really live without thoughts? How do you ignore thoughts? What is so special about the crown chakra? And many more...
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded October 18, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Life without Thoughts, Part 2: questions & answers.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Leben ohne Gedanken, Teil 2 – Fragen & Antworten. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
Live chat satsang with Dhyan Mikael from Oct. 2024 with English translation, thank you very much for that! Jetzt-TV is possible through your donations: www.paypal.com/paypalme/WolframUmlauf . From the content of the video and much more: How can I find a way to be at peace with myself, just as I am? Where does Mikael see the connection between autism and the spiritual world? The spiritual path consists of two parts, one part is that you practice being with yourself for a very short time a day, meditate for half an hour a day in the morning (Samarpan meditation), but the other 23.5 hours we live our lives. And that is the second part and it is important because it is the practice field, there we experience everything we need to progress on our spiritual path. Say yes to the challenges and you will discover a great gift. There is a big misunderstanding about letting go, welcoming what is here and letting go of what is not there. Don't try to let go of anything, start by welcoming what is obviously there, e.g. fear. And I know you can't, but it is enough if you just want to try. Does Mikael see a connection between shame, guilt and addictions and what is his experience with this? And much more.
Watch the video at Vimeo... Watch at Facebook... As MP3 audio
VWatch the video at Telegram: t.me/freemea/2595
One might think that it's the thoughts what holds life together: without them, everything seems uncertain, lost, almost unbearable. This is why the actual truth is unimaginable: that without thoughts, all problems and sufferings disappear – and that Heaven only exists without thoughts.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded September 30, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Life without Thoughts: how the impossible becomes possible.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Leben ohne Gedanken – wie das Unmögliche möglich wird. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
German with English and German subtitles
German Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of September 19, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: Grief is the medicine. Making peace with your own limitations. Doing nothing in meditation. How to become a disciple of Swamiji? Support me if it gives you joy. Don't look how far the darkness goes. On being willing to be wrong. Do what you yourself are at peace with. You can't help your son.
From the content of the video: Life doesn't have to be hard, doesn't have to be characterized by fear and suffering. How does that work in practice? About the grieving process and loss: We lose a part of ourselves that needs to be repaired within us, that is grief. The grief, the medicine, happens by itself, we don't have to do anything, just "take" the medicine, i.e. feel the feelings that arise. Grief is the help that we should accept and take time for, i.e. allow the feelings. The feelings also help us to find our own center, i.e. to focus our attention on ourselves and not on other people. Only those who are at peace with themselves can really relate to other people. Other topics: Fear of failure; about the ability to say no; accepting ourselves as we really are, with faults, with limitations; knowing and accepting our own weaknesses, which makes life much easier; in meditation, is focusing attention on something a doing? About the connection to the Guru in meditation..., and many other topics.
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
You don't know why you should meditate: this emptiness seems so useless, while everything in the world seems so important, urgent and valuable. It takes a hero who is able to choose what no one wants. And you can be that hero.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded September 19, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Unrecognized Diamond: choose what noone wants.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Unerkannter Diamant – wähle das, was keiner will. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
Many people feel like prisoners in the dead-end street of suffering: it is getting worse and worse, and there is no way out in sight. And yet, each of us is free to leave the self-chosen hell at any time. The door out opens in an unexpected direction.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded August 28, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Freedom and Suffering: how to leave your hell and reach Heaven.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Freiheit und Leiden – wie du aus deiner Hölle in den Himmel kommst. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
There are many who promise you that you can be the creator of your own life once you have seen through your ego. This is true, and yet you are lying to yourself, because you will never achieve the one thing you really want – but there is a way.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded August 27, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: The one Wish that counts: about manifesting, ego and happiness.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Der eine Wunsch, der zählt – über Manifestieren, das Ego und Glück. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
German with English and German subtitles
German Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of August 21, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: Don't believe, but experience it for yourself. The deceased twin sister. The narcissistic mother. No more waiting for the answer. Is stubbornness part of the ego? Amazed and helpless carried by life. Meditate without automatically being a disciple. Impossible not to take it personally. The End of Paradise. What happens in Satsang. Feeling the suppressed feelings of others. What costs energy is the fight against it. Relief from a guilty conscience. Fear of the dentist.
From the content of the video: Many people feel that Samarpan Meditation is so difficult, this topic is totally close to Dhyan Mikael's heart and he talks about it. There is nothing easier than Samarpan Meditation, it costs nothing, there are no rules at all, you don't need to change yourself, change your diet... It's not about believing, on the contrary. This path is the path of your own inner experience. There are no instructions, but we are trained to listen to what someone wants, what our parents wanted, so that we are loved. Swamiji brings the meditation and offers it, whether you take it up is your business. The ego secretly does everything it can to keep things the way they are, simply so that we don't finish this path. Everyone knows this and at some point you will get the strength to finish a path, at some point you will have to decide on a path, otherwise it is not you who will go the way, but your ego. The soul is what was there before the body came and is still there when the body is long dead and that is you, and through Samarpan Meditation you learn to experience this part of you gradually, not by believing something, to the extent that everything connected with the body loses more and more meaning and weight and all your problems disappear. Dhyan Mikael shares what makes him happy, what makes you happy is your business. Other topics / questions include: Death of siblings and dealing with a narcissistic mother. Getting to know our true identity is what the spiritual path is for. What is it like to rest completely in yourself, to arrive at yourself and to perceive your fellow human beings? Communicating with deceased masters, can we overcome the separation? And the living guru. We deeply long for the connection to our own soul, but do not realize it. And much more.
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
Samarpan Meditation is free and has no rules, and yet many people say that they feel repelled by the many rules and instructions. I explain why this happens and talk about the three ways out of the trap of our ego.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded August 21, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Path without Rules: the great freedom of Samarpan Meditation.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Weg ohne Regeln – die große Freiheit der Samarpan-Meditation. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
When a Saint speaks of Heaven, it sounds so easy and at the same time incomprehensible and provocative. I invite you to experience for yourself what happens when you simply do what these people are talking about: how everything changes – through your Yes.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded August 6, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: The Freedom that I mean: how your Yes transforms life.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Die Freiheit, die ich meine – wie dein Ja das Leben verwandelt. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
German with English and German subtitles
Dhyan Mikael at the One Spirit Festival 2024 - Satsang of August 3, 2024, 10 AM. Thank you for this.
Topics: I still do everything wrong. The great longing for a simple life. At every moment a product of the environment. The homework: making peace with oneself. The gift of openness. The Guru – the most normal person in the world. How does surrender work? The Guru's disciples are stupid. About the introduction to Samarpan Meditation. Should I really live out everything? Spirituality is something completely normal.
From the content of the video: Dhyan Mikael talks about how simple and natural life can be, and we all want it to be that way. That means: “Okay, life, you do it.” Jesus said: “Thy will be done.” But do we want that, to just let go? We can't imagine letting life carry us. This surrender to life is the easiest thing there is, because you don't have to do anything, but it goes against everything we believe in ourselves, this deepest conditioning: “I! Everything depends on me here”... In Samarpan Meditation, something grows very gradually if we start meditating every day. We need support if we want this surrender, we can't do it alone. We live in a time when ordinary people are now experiencing this, the taste of this other space, but we haven't done our homework yet, telling life: “Okay, you do it!”. And saying yes to yourself, as you are, making peace with yourself. And much, much more.
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German with English and German subtitles
German Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of July 24, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: Expanding consciousness despite old karma? Is everything predetermined by the Divine? How do you know? Colleague karma. The collective guilt of masculinity. Separation is like a death. Feeling without an 'I' sense. Doing that with which you can be happy. Don't take guilt personally. Support me if it gives you joy. When God has abandoned you. Don't tell God how to help. About the introduction to Samarpan Meditation.
From this Satsang: Questions about karma and previous lives and the sense of 'I', a burden that we carry with us. We have the opportunity to discover that this 'I' does not exist and we have the choice for the first time. And what role the Guru and Samarpan Meditation play in our own lives. Through the Guru, we are connected to an incredibly large collectivity of souls who are also on the path. We still have to live through the burden of karma, but it becomes easier and at some point it is completely gone, that is Dhyan Mikael's experience. It is best to simply accept everything that we experience in this life, everything that comes our way, with gratitude. That is the great blessing of a Guru, that he helps us with this turnaround. It's not about feeling holy, but about losing this strange identity, this sense of 'I', this feeling that I am acting and that I am doing things. Other topics include: Is the script of this life fixed? What is the meaning and purpose of this wonderful life we have here? How does Mikael know that God is so close in despair? How does a man feel his deepest vulnerability, shame and sexual feelings without wanting it any other way? To check whether it really is a problem the way you are, to dare to experience what it really is like for you and that takes time. And much more.
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
Nothing is easier than meditating, and yet everything else seems to be more important, better or faster. There is something that dies when you meditate and the problems disappear. All you need is determination, and everything changes.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded July 22, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: You have to walk the Path yourself: on determination, illusion and shortcuts.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles and chapter markers. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Den Weg gehen musst Du selbst – über Entschlossenheit, Illusion und Abkürzungen. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
German with English and German subtitles
God's image? - Mona Lange in conversation with Dhyan Mikael, July 5, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: Living two hundred percent. This wrong life is the help. No one wants peace. Blessed times – it has never been easier. Finding out how the Saint became holy. 99% is impossible, 100% is easy. Life is a magical fairy tale. The invisible magic of life. Heaven is at hand.
Watch on Youtube.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German with English and German subtitles
Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of July 2, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: Distinguishing feelings and stories. Accompanying children into growing up. What to do with neediness? Be grateful and forget her. Were 6 years of meditation in vain? Holding oneself. Paralyzed by contact anxiety and rage. Everything remains difficult – what else can I do? Saying yes to war, pain and misery?
From the content of the video and much more: If you simply feel a feeling as it is, then it becomes still, you feel it as if you are inside the feeling, as if the feeling is all around you and it simply becomes quiet. The feeling brings you here, to you, so to speak. But the thoughts, the stories about the feeling, the stories, they are endless, they lead you further and further away from yourself. They lead you into the future and into the past and it gets more and more complicated, more and more threatening and of course that's not helpful, but you can recognize what you're dealing with. But most of the things we call feelings are actually thoughts and story. Every single person has to take care of their world and if you have the courage and the audacity to take care of your soul and start shining yourself, then you make it easier for other people to do the same, like Mikael, and then the world becomes brighter, with every person who learns this, the world becomes brighter. Jesus told us how to do this 2000 years ago. Going inwards, that's where peace grows, that's where the light grows, only there.
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
A Guru is not a person, but a phenomenon – one that people either want to be as far away from or as close to as possible. I tell you what the Guru is really about and why he changes your life completely and solves all your problems.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded June 25, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Closer than close: Why a Guru solves all of your problems.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles and chapter markers. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Näher als nah – Wieso ein Guru alle deine Probleme löst. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
To be carried by life and to trust is only possible without ego, but we cannot give it up. That's why life rushes to our aid – with precisely those situations and feelings that we want to avoid. Only a yes is necessary.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded June 21, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: The Price of Heaven: about original trust, ego, and the meaning of life.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Der Preis des Himmels – über Urvertrauen, Ego und den Sinn des Lebens. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
German with English and German subtitles
Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of June 13, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: The Master's Gift. Wanting children and wedding stress. Criticism by the partner. Trusting distrust. The Guru changes your life. The weakness of men. Yawning during meditation. Different souls or just one soul? Nothing changes for me. The Story of the Seed. Tears and self-pity. From the wedding feast: how to meet the Guru.
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German with English and German subtitles
Being wrong - Interview with Dhyan Mikael by Mona Lange of June 7, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: I don't feel wrong. The root of being wrong. Only black sheep find enlightenment. Partnership becomes easier. Ever more sensitive and wrong. The expulsion from paradise. The way back to paradise. The closer to God, the better taking care of oneself. Feelings – the built-in wisdom path. Openness is always open to everything. When God speaks, the ego feels wrong. A happiness independent of this world. Saying 'yes' to being unhappy. The redemption of the entire planet.
Watch on Youtube.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German with English and German subtitles
Whitsun Intensive - Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of May 20, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: He doesn't want to get married. Can anything good come out of this? Meditation – the ultimate laziness. A state beyond feelings. Dealing with negative thoughts. How Jesus dealt with thoughts. Meditation – the safe practice field . The message of exhaustion. Dealing with physical complaints. Fear of the future. Openness for God. The gift of my life. I can't meditate. Now we're meditating. Meditation.
From the content: Allow how it is now. When you stop fighting feelings, it's like meditating with the state of mind. Meditating is actually the ultimate laziness – nothing to do, nothing to achieve. It's a state that is greater than all feelings. The emptier your mind becomes, the more energy you have. Meditating is the only thing you have to want to do, everything else happens by itself. It pulls the teeth of the tiger when you are ready for anything when faced with fictitious threats. Don't fight against thoughts, ignore them, turn away from them. I am here for the few people who are ready for the one true task: turning towards themselves. All the spiritual tips, e.g. "5 steps to happiness", are a dead end. If you know that things out there are not giving you what you are looking for – then things are nice, but unimportant. When you give space to appearance, it forces you to be still. Let the apparition show you the way! The Guru is an aid to God, a million times stronger than a stone. and much more.
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German with English and German subtitles
Whitsun Intensive - Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of May 19, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: How to learn gratitude? The blessing of separation. Fear of being alone. What to do with resistance? When you can no longer feel anything. Encountering the living Jesus. When the guru says terrible things.
From the content: Gratitude is a feeling and we cannot learn feelings, gratitude comes naturally when we start to really experience what is there for us right now, normally we live in our thoughts. Thinking about it can take many different forms, even if we evaluate something and think: Oh, I like that and I don't like that, these are thoughts. Learning how to just be here, in this moment and not focus on thoughts, one way to learn is to practice Samarpan meditation, for example. It's basically about learning a new habit and gratitude then comes naturally. Mikael doesn't feel cheerful or bright or happy all the time, but is grateful all the time, trusting through and through, no matter how he feels and no matter what happens and that is a product of this in-the-moment life and Samarpan meditation helps you with that... and much more.
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German with English and German subtitles
Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of May 14, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: The most important and valuable. What distinguishes master and guru? What is simplicity. Dealing with jealousy. "Do you still have unwanted thoughts?" Loving one's own father. Key to a happy relationship. Falling prey to the ego. Should you live with the Guru? Practicing two forms of meditation.
From the content: Using the most valuable thing we have, time, here in this life, to look in the right direction. The true connection is within; in reality, the true Guru resides within ourselves. The certainty you are looking for lies hidden in not knowing. The answer lies in meditation, Samarpan Mediation, for the following reason: it is not that you get answers, but it is that the questions disappear, it is a completely different way of living and of course the questions, the thoughts, the uncertainty come back, but now you have a direction, gradually you realize: I can trust that. The wise man knows that he doesn't need to know anything and he simply trusts in life. That is letting go: being ready to live without answers and without questions. Discovering who you really are has nothing to do with knowing, there is no room for the ego, but be patient; and much more.
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German with English and German subtitles
Putting God first - Interview with Dhyan Mikael by Mona Lange of May 10, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: Who is this God? I know less and less. Is it the head speaking, or God? I can't and don't want to judge it. Not being careful. What if you go round in circles? What is guiding me, I know nothing about. Forget everything you think you know. You can do it – but meditate. Confusing cause and effect. Heaven comes later. A path for ordinary people. What is it like to be close to God?
Watch on Youtube.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German with English and German subtitles
Father's Day Intensive - Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of May 9, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: What's the right thing to do right now? Inertia, laziness and discipline. When your partner has a problem with you. A stone on the crown chakra? Meditation and antidepressants. Counting your breath while meditating. An old, deep fear of the soul. feelings for no reason. A Course in Miracles. Dependencies and addiction. Who decides on relationships? Words of love and tenderness. Are we capable of unconditional love? After the breakup. Hate – resistance against oneself? The whole world is against me. Write to me if you have a question. About the meditation. Meditation.
From the content: Putting God first means: becoming still, turning inwards and looking at where things are leading me right now. God is not predictable! If you have no problem with the fact that your partner has a problem with you, you have no more reason to fight. The most important thing in a partnership is the willingness to let go of the other person again and again. With Samarpan Meditation, it's as if you suddenly have a foundation under your soul's feet. Through Samarpan Meditation, you gradually discover a place where you experience: Wow, I'm safe here. Addiction stops as soon as you stop fighting against what you feel. Once you stop trying to change it, the addiction disappears by itself.
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German with English and German subtitles
Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of April 23, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: Feeling through feelings. Projections and forgiveness. Being true to yourself, right from the beginning. A relationship with someone who doesn't meditate. Breaking free from oneself through enlightenment. The path to what is called enlightenment. Forgiveness, when there is no one. Personally carried, nourished and sustained by God. Can an awakened one harm others? Support me if it gives you joy. No spiritual experience. Being as you are: more is not needed. Your most noble task. Inviting more life energy. The one source of energy. On true authenticity. Treated badly by others.
From the content: In Samarpan Meditation, we learn to find a center within ourselves, a kind of calm point within us that we can clearly experience and feel, which also helps us to feel our feelings. And the most helpful thing when feeling feelings is not to be picky. Without question, let every feeling just be there, as quietly and lovingly as I can, as if they were my children. Other questions / topics include: Does taking back projections equate to forgiveness? Can a relationship with someone who doesn't meditate work at all? Being self-aware and not being self-aware and hoping for enlightenment in order to free oneself? Everything is a gift from God, God nourishes me through everything that happens to me, every breath, every hurt, every pain, every ray of sunshine. There is a source of energy that we can tap into through Samarpan meditation, that is where we come from, our soul.
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
For many, life is complicated and a burden. You have the feeling that you never know what is right at this moment. This video is about the way out of this hell and the way to peace and heaven.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded April 23, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: A Life without Questions: about the nature of the spiritual path.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Ein Leben ohne Fragen – über die Natur des spirituellen Weges. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
German with English and German subtitles
Interview with Dhyan Mikael by Mona Lange of April 12, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: What really happens remains hidden from us. We are the seed for a huge tree. You don't have to do it alone. We don't need to be afraid. Falling in love with something impossible. What has fallen away is no longer remembered. It's like a reversal. Becoming more sensitive. When interest in the outside world wanes. Closer to oneself, and therefore, to the world. It's only your own experience that counts. "Don't look at the darkness of the world". Life is becoming more and more miraculous. The time of the Apocalypse. Two effects of Samarpan Meditation.
Watch on Youtube.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
Who can you trust? How do you recognize a true guru? How do you decide what is the right way right now? Anyone who begins to question life encounters precisely these uncertainties. Yet, everyone has an in-built compass that guides them reliably – but it is the last thing we trust.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded April 11, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: The One you can trust: how you recognize your path.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Das Eine, dem Du trauen kannst – wie Du Deinen Weg erkennst. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
German with English and German subtitles
Easter Intensive - Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of April 1, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: Fear of closeness and loneliness. Dealing with the demands of others. Realizing that one cannot change oneself. Do polarities such as male and female dissolve? When the meditation seems so long. Everything is overwhelming, everything is so exhausting. Self-doubt and self-condemnation. Thank you for the answer. Why meditate on the crown chakra and not on the heart?
From the content: fear of being alone, fear of closeness, and discovering a place within yourself where you are in good hands; you discover yourself. The things that are meant to happen just happen. You just go with the flow, with your energy. The desire for children in men and how does it work when two people stop having desires for each other? Jesus said: Turn to God and everything else will follow. Turn inwards, find your own soul, meditate... The word meditate didn't exist back then. Recognise: I am as I am, you are as you are, and there is nothing I can do, I am powerless, then something changes. That is devotion, that is Samarpan. In meditation, you let everything be as it is, that's why it's so magical; by doing nothing inside, suddenly everything becomes possible...
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German with English and German subtitles
Easter Intensive - Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of March 31, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: The Kundalini energy. Does it help to meditate more often? Crucifixion and Resurrection. Wanting children, separation and relationship. Do you communicate with Jesus? Dealing with feelings and depressive moods. When the partner complains. Why meditate on the crown chakra and not on the heart? When family triggers anger and pain.
From the content: A nice gathering here to talk to each other about life and about trying to be happy in this life. During the Samarpan meditation, the attention rests on the crown chakra, the Kundalini energy is drawn upwards, but this happens on its own. "Don't change yourself, but meditate," Swamiji also advises. We've been brought up to believe that it's all about our own will, that we want to go somewhere and then something will happen, but that's not the truth, it doesn't work like that. The quieter we become, the more we turn inwards and discover our soul, the more we are connected in a way that you can't feel directly. Although we know less and less, we understand more and more... Nothing esoteric, completely grounded.
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
It is said about Easter: Jesus died for us to redeem us. What does that mean? And what really happened back then? Why did God allow this to happen? Easter is not a tragedy, but a gift to each and every one of us – and a challenge.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded March 30, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: The Miracle of Easter: what Jesus actually did for us.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Das Wunder von Ostern – was Jesus wirklich für uns tat. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
Topics: Alternating between Heaven and Hell. Is the heart ignored in meditation? Everything is too much, and everything is important. The pain of remembering. Differently I would be happier. Even the heavy becomes light.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded March 16, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: All the Heavy becomes light: about life, meditation and other topics.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version: This video is also available in German: Alles Schwere wird leicht – über Leben, Meditation und andere Themen. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael and his videos. More information here.
German with English and German subtitles
Interview with Dhyan Mikael by Mona Lange of March 15, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: The opposite of "Heaven". A new sensibility. The primal trauma: "I am going to die". In the body, here, now. The misunderstandings of religions. Black sheep. The new view of love. The truth of ancient fairytales. Reason – or joy? The way to Heaven.
Watch on Youtube.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German with English and German subtitles
Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of March 12, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: How to deal with criticism. Criticizing the partner. Nobody does anything for anyone else. Is self-love an ego trip? Sometimes I think I can't take any more. Reaching people without Concepts. Looking at the "I". Who is in charge of your attention? Meditate more often during the day? Perceive and express Limits better.
From the content: Be the way you are. Don't change yourself, be who you are; through this self-acceptance change happens naturally. Mikael has learnt from his master to love himself more and more. Love, finding happiness within yourself, such a person only radiates beauty and we have a good time together. Meditation helps tremendously to avoid getting caught up in an ego trip.
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with links to individual topics in the video and complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
Anyone who experiences overwhelming feelings believes that they have to go away or be healed somehow in order to be happy again, but this is not true. Feelings don't want to be healed, they want to be felt. To become ready for this is the key.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded March 9, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website: When Trauma comes knocking: about the key to healing and peace.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Wenn das Trauma anklopft – über den Schlüssel zu Heilung und Frieden. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Topics: Miracles. The meaning of life. Where is the deceased? Space for feelings. What we do during meditation. The "I" doesn't want to meditate. Unconditional love. Being true to yourself. Neither holding up light nor excluding shadow. The conviction that you should be different.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded March 4, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Just like this you should be: about true love, being wrong and other topics.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Genau so sollst Du sein – über wahre Liebe, verkehrt sein und andere Themen. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Religious concepts such as Original Sin or Karma are usually perceived as negative judgments, but they are helpful hints for the spiritual path that explain in very practical terms how our innermost being works. They reveal the true value of meditation and the purpose of life.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded February 29, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website: Karma and the Meaning of Life: understand your life and your task.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Karma und der Sinn des Lebens – verstehe Dein Leben und Deine Aufgabe. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Topics: Sensations at the crown chakra. Dual souls. Self-doubt. The partner wants it differently. Falling asleep phenomena. Feeling emotions. No free will. Involuntary falling asleep. When you don't understand your partner. Yoga, journaling and spiritual development.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded February 26, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website: Return to yourself: about feelings, relationship and other questions.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Rückkehr zu Dir selbst – über Gefühle, Beziehung und andere Fragen. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Where does the spiritual path lead? Many people are deeply suspicious of this: aren't you making yourself dependent on a guru, master or God? In reality, the opposite happens: you discover the one freedom that really matters.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded February 22, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Become your own Guru: how enlightenment works today.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Werde Dein eigener Guru – wie Erleuchtung heute funktioniert. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
What is actually bad about ego? And why is enlightenment worth striving for? In reality, it's only about one thing: living happily, without problems and suffering. And this is exactly what is possible.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded February 20, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Ego and Enlightenment: how to live free from problems.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Ego und Erleuchtung – wie man frei von Problemen lebt. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Many spiritual people find everything on their path difficult or even impossible: Master, Guru, God and Samarpan Meditation, even though you can't do it wrong and the Guru doesn't demand anything at all. How is this possible? The answer lies in the beginning of mankind.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded February 13, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Freedom that is unbelievable: how Gurus and meditation are misunderstood.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Freiheit, die unglaublich ist – wie Gurus und Meditation missverstanden werden. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
German with English and German subtitles
Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of February 6, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: Fear of being alone. The disturbing mind. Life – a dream? Collective development. Raising children properly. World's grief. What do narcissists need? Insecure from ego. True and false self. Black sheep. Falling asleep during meditation. Not being welcome. Not paying attention to memories.
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
Deep down, people believe that a Jesus or Guru is fundamentally different and therefore reject him. In truth, he is more ordinary than we are. What makes him different is a secret power that is open to everyone to become a Guru themselves.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded February 4, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Master of the secret Power: how a Guru lives, and what sets him apart.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Meister der geheimen Kraft – wie ein Guru lebt, und was ihn unterscheidet. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Topics: What is the point of a life without desires and goals? The ego: a mistake of body consciousness? Does the body need to be prepared for awakening? Suffering and the desire to awaken. Jesus and Samarpan Meditation - a conflict? Insomnia. Starting your own business: when success doesn't come.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded January 30, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Life is when Wishes end: about the meaning of life and other questions.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Leben ist, wenn Wünsche enden – über den Sinn des Lebens und andere Fragen. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
German with English and German subtitles
Interview with Dhyan Mikael by Mona Lange of January 19, 2024. Thank you for this.
Watch on Youtube.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
In the new spiritual age, darkness is more unpopular than ever - unfortunately, because even today it is the only place where Heaven awaits. I have encountered my dark countless times, and only recently again. This video tells of the gifts it brings.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded January 19, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Enlightenment needs no Light: why you find Heaven in the dark.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Erleuchtung braucht kein Licht – warum Du den Himmel im Dunklen findest. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
German with English and German subtitles
Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of January 9, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: Nobody wants me with pain. Distraction from feelings. Are pets helpful? What if I distract myself? Is there a task for the soul? Emptiness and fullness. Loving when both partners rest in being. To be truthful. Is there a soul? Who decides who is a Guru?
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
We experience death close to us and are deeply frightened, yet it is an ancient and good friend. Those who know how to listen to it discover the real cause of fear – and the path to Heaven.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded January 5, 2024, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Death's Message: understand it and discover true life.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Die Botschaft des Todes – verstehe sie und entdecke das wahre Leben. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
German with English and German subtitles
New Year Intensive - Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of January 1, 2024. Thank you for this.
Topics: Sharing tasks in the partnership. Is she the right one? Pain and disappointment after an affair. Preserving the energy of the Guru. Decisions, insecurity and trust. The partner's obsession to control. When the need for a relationship disappears.
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German with English and German subtitles
New Year Intensive - Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of December 31, 2023. Thank you for this.
Topics: True fulfillment is supposedly within, but there is nothing there either. Getting the guru's attention. Letting go of old things. Making decisions. Liberation without a living guru? Fighting for contact with your own child? When emotions prevent going deeper and peace.
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
The modern spiritual man relies only on himself, unaware that this rationality is the ego's trick to prevent surrender. I talk about my Guru experiences of the last few days and about what is only possible through a living God.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded December 29, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Living God, eternal learning: why it's so cool to have a Guru.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Lebendiger Gott, ewiges Lernen – warum es so cool ist, einen Guru zu haben. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Your child is screaming and raging and you don't know what to do. Your children should be free to go their own way and you wonder how you can make this possible. About the simple – and only – way to free children from your past.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded December 26, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: The Sins of the Fathers: how Children grow up free from the Parents Burden.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Die Sünden der Väter – wie Kinder frei von der Eltern Last aufwachsen. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
You see and hear proof everywhere: you are wrong. Even if a Jesus, a Guru or God himself says: "I love you just the way you are", you only hear the opposite. But miraculously, you listen anyway.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded December 21, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website: The Gift of Christmas: the good news that no one can believe.
Subtitles: . With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Das Geschenk der Weihnacht – die frohe Botschaft, die keiner glauben kann. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
At Christmas, the dilemma of the Christian church becomes particularly clear: we sing wonderful songs, but no one tells us how to do it practically: to become ready for the Lord and for Heaven. I'll tell you how it works.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded December 18, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website: "Prepare the Way for the Lord": the true message of the Advent season.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: „Machet dem Herrn den Weg bereit“ – die wahre Botschaft der Adventszeit. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
You experience the unbelievable: everything is good, you are one with everything - but then this Heaven disappears again. But why? I'll tell you why almost everyone experiences this and tell you how you can get paradise back.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded December 16, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website: Lost Enlightenment: why it leaves, and how it will return.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Verlorene Erleuchtung – warum sie geht, und wie sie wiederkommt. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Topics: Thoughts during meditation. Difference between Master and Guru. To the Shibir in India? Too little time in this life? No more incarnation. Hate-love with sexuality. Dealing with feelings, pain and illness. The natural way.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded December 6, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website: Satsang with Dhyan Mikael. December 6, 2023: Questions and Answers.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Satsang mit Dhyan Mikael. 6. Dezember 2023 – Fragen und Antworten. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
You get to know the New. Everything is different for you, you are changing, but your partner and the rest of your old life is the same as always. You sense a new life, but how do you get there? This video will tell you.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded November 28, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Relationship after Enlightenment: what to do when your old life no longer fits?
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Beziehung nach der Erleuchtung – was tun, wenn dein altes Leben nicht mehr passt? Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Topics: Struggling with death. Contact with the deceased. Jesus quote. Difference between Samarpan and breath meditation. Connecting material pleasures and spirituality. Sensations in the crown chakra.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded November 16, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Satsang with Dhyan Mikael. November 16, 2023: Questions and Answers.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Satsang mit Dhyan Mikael. 16. November 2023 – Fragen und Antworten. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
German with English and German subtitles
Online Satsang with Dhyan Mikael of November 14, 2023. Thank you for this.
Topics: Traumas. Dealing with feelings. Resistance against what is. The source of love and acceptance. Psychosomatic clinic. From guilt and hate to compassion. Losing the moment again and again. Is this your love? Can anyone awaken? Does meditation lead to enlightenment? Meditating together. Meditating in the evening? Dealing with narcissists.
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
Spirituality is "in", Gurus are "out". But wait a minute: doesn't Mikael say you need one? A video about why you can forget all about it and why shouldn't worry about it at all.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded November 8, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: "Do I need a Guru?": Why you never need to know.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: "Brauche ich einen Guru?" – Warum du das nie wissen musst. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Everybody believes sex to be important – for happiness, relationship, health and spiritual progress. None of this is true: in reality, sex gives you nothing. Once you discover this, the path to true fulfillment opens up.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded November 5, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Sex – the empty Promise: discover where true fulfillment awaits.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Sex – das leere Versprechen – entdecke, wo wahre Erfüllung wartet. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
In this video I talk about my life – about this one and the last one – and about what gives me the patience and stubbornness this time to really go all the way to the end and arrive.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded October 31, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Enlightenment is just the Beginning: complete the path. Arrive.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Erleuchtung ist erst der Anfang – vollende den Weg. Komm an. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Everyone wants peace, everyone fights for peace, so why doesn't it work? The real cause of conflict and war is something that all people have in common. Only now the time has come for a new way.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded October 21, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: The one Path to true Peace: save yourself and the world. It's never been easier.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Der eine Weg zu wahrem Frieden – rette dich und die Welt. Nie war es leichter. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Those who begin to become conscious are further from peace than ever before: not beautiful enough, not healthy enough, not enlightened enough. What sounds mundane is a difficult challenge, but there is an easy way.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded October 11, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: “I want to be more beautiful“: about the dichotomy of conscious people.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: „Ich will schöner sein“ – über den Zwiespalt des bewussten Menschen. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
What does "repent" mean? Why don't rich people go to Heaven? And more importantly, how do you get there? For ages it seemed to be impossible, but suddenly you have a choice.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded October 8, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Heaven, Hell? Your Choice! How the impossible becomes possible for you.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Himmel, Hölle? Deine Wahl! Wie das Unmögliche für dich möglich wird. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Samarpan Meditation works wonders, and yet it is so simple. And you can just be the way you are: without pressure and effort, life transforms all by itself.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded September 26, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Samarpan Meditation: practical hints for start and restart.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Samarpan-Meditation – praktische Hinweise für Start und Neustart. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
In the spiritual realm, distrust is particularly pronounced: no one wants to hand himself over to a charlatan. So is it possible to do it alone? A video about what guides you on the only path that really matters in life.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded September 22, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Discover your spiritual Path: about Gurus, acceptance and being true to oneself.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Entdecke Deinen spirituellen Weg – über Gurus, Akzeptanz und dem sich treu sein. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Do you feel at the mercy of life's endless problems? Meditation doesn't change anything? You are looking in the wrong direction. Learn how meditation is the solution to all problems - forever.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded September 12, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Grow bigger than your problems: carefree living with the Samarpan Meditation.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Werde größer als Deine Probleme – unbeschwert leben dank Samarpan-Meditation. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
All our ideas about God are wrong. You have to experience it yourself, but do you have to die for this? I'll tell you what it's really like to experience God, and how it's possible: now, in life, in every moment.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded September 5, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Encounter with God: a report about what is possible for everyone.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Begegnung mit Gott – ein Bericht von dem, was jedem möglich ist. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
People love what is difficult, and the solutions to it: ever new workshops, methods, levels… But the way to Heaven is simple; so simple that advanced people cannot bear it.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded August 29, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Heaven is only for Beginners: why the simple is unbearable for us.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Der Himmel ist nur für Anfänger – warum das Einfache für uns unerträglich ist. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
German with English and German subtitles
Interview with Dhyan Mikael by Here-Now TV of August 17, 2023. Questions by Devasetu.
Watch on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, telegram. Listen to MP3 Audio.
This video on Dhyan Mikael's website with complete transcript for readling along here.
Subtitles (YouTube & Vimeo only): this video has carefully edited German and English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
They say God loves us, life loves us. But then why is your life full of problems? Why doesn't life listen to you? It listens even more carefully than you think. About the secret of what life really looks out for.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded August 16, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Manifesting properly: what you need to know before you make a wish.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Richtig Manifestieren – was du wissen musst, bevor du etwas wünschst. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
The title of this video is not an accusation, but rather an admission to oneself. Whoever discovers this also recognizes the impossibility of changing this himself. But then the way opens by itself....
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded August 14, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: You don't want to be happy: How you can get to Heaven anyway.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Du willst nicht glücklich sein – Wie Du trotzdem in den Himmel kommst. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Meditation seems like an alone path, but the opposite is true. Spiritual community is not only helpful, but essential. How everyone can find their own individual way to connect with like-minded people.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded August 8, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: The Blessing of Community: why nobody reaches into Heaven alone.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Der Segen von Gemeinschaft – wieso niemand alleine in den Himmel gelangt. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Most people look for connectedness and happiness somewhere out there in the world. Only those who begin to turn inward discover the true connection to their partner, to their Guru, to themselves - and to God.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded August 3, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Me and my Father are one: about my connection to Master and Guru.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Ich und mein Vater sind eins – über meine Verbindung zu Meister und Guru. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
When it comes to the spiritual, we quickly become unfaithful to ourselves and do things we don't enjoy. But there's no need to do that. A video about how you grow and become wise simply through Samarpan Meditation.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded July 23, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Growing without changing yourself. Part 2 of 2: meditate and find your way.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Wachsen, ohne sich zu ändern. Teil 2 von 2 – meditiere und finde deinen Weg. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Wisdom sounds to us like criticism, admonition and proof of our inadequacy, and we close ourselves off. But there is a new way of listening. A video about how I stay receptive for the treasure of my Guru.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded July 16, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Growing without changing yourself. Part 1 of 2: the new way of listening.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Wachsen, ohne sich zu ändern. Teil 1 von 2 – die neue Art des Zuhörens. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Everyone is getting faster and more impatient, only you are getting slower, and your enlightenment is not showing up. I will tell you what is really happening here and what it is really about.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded July 8, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Why does this take so long? What nobody tells you about enlightenment.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Warum dauert das so lange? Was Dir niemand über Erleuchtung verrät. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
For many people, meditation and spirituality have something unreal, ungrounded. But Samarpan Meditation is different. A video about this magical bridge that connects Heaven and Earth.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded July 1, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: The Door which can't be opened: how to stay grounded when Heaven comes.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Die Tür, die nicht zu öffnen ist – wie man geerdet bleibt, wenn der Himmel kommt. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Jesus said, "be like children", speaking of their way of trusting. But we feel naive and childish when we trust like this. Part 2 of the video "Trusting like a Master".
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded June 27, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Trusting like a Child: part 2 of 2 about the key to Heaven.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Vertrauen wie ein Kind – Teil 2 von 2 über den Schlüssel zum Himmel. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Things happen in your life that you struggle with, and you drown in your feelings instead of being above things. Is this the path to happiness? About a misunderstanding that we all share.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded June 20, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Trusting like a Master: part 1 of 2 about the key to Heaven.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Vertrauen wie ein Meister – Teil 1 von 2 über den Schlüssel zum Himmel. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
You are sure: what the guru or the master is saying right now is wrong. What now? Do you have to leave him? And how to recognize a false guru? About the compass you can trust on this path.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded June 10, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: When the Guru is wrong: about the true basis of a Guru-disciple relationship.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Wenn der Guru falsch liegt – über die wahre Basis der Guru-Schüler-Beziehung. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
You don't manage to get into silence while meditating? That's not the point at all! A video about this misunderstanding that so many people share. A video about the unique and fundamental that really happens in Samarpan Meditation.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded June 9, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: It is not about Silence: the true purpose of Samarpan Meditation.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Um die Stille geht es nicht – der wahre Zweck der Samarpan-Meditation. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Suffering is not actually caused by any situation. We think we know how things should be, but they are different. We feel responsible to change it, but we can't. And then we suffer. A video about how it really works.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded June 5, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Why do you worry? How to deal with difficult situations.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Warum sorgst Du Dich? Wie man mit schwierigen Situationen umgeht. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Why is it a good sign when the meditation causes unpleasant symptoms? What to do if you just can't get into the crown chakra? Answers to basic questions about Samarpan meditation.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded May 29, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Sit down and let it be done. Questions & answers: Samarpan Meditation.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Hinsetzen und machen lassen – Fragen & Antworten zur Samarpan-Meditation. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
How can you accept your place in the play of nature as a man and still be completely true to yourself? This is the second part on the subject of men and sexuality.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded May 22, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Can a Man be happy? Part 2 of 2: only a King can serve.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Kann ein Mann glücklich sein? Teil 2 von 2 – nur ein König kann dienen. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Male sexuality is an irritating topic, not only for women, but also for many men. They just never have enough, and no man is free of it. But it exists: salvation from the "curse of manhood".
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded May 18, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website with complete transcript for reading along: Can a Man be happy? Part 1 of 2: why men always want.
Subtitles: this video has carefully edited English subtitles. With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Kann ein Mann glücklich sein? Teil 1 von 2 – warum Männer immer wollen. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Surrender cannot be learned, so how does one become capable of it? There is a magical, simple way in which the key to happiness is given to us without us having to be or do anything: Samarpan Meditation.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded May 16, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website: The Light in your Hell. Part 2 of 2: the magical Samarpan Meditation.
Subtitles: . With YouTube's automatic subtitle translation, subtitles are possible in many additional languages. More here.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Das Licht in Deiner Hölle. Teil 2 von 2 – die magische Samarpan-Meditation. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
What to do when you are sure that nothing works for you; when there is nothing left but despair and hopelessness. In this first part I will talk about the great gift of Jesus: his advice, his example for exactly this part of your life.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded May 14, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website: The Light in your Hell. Part 1 of 2: how Jesus deals with desperation.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Das Licht in Deiner Hölle. Teil 1 von 2 – wie Jesus mit Verzweiflung umgeht. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Why does one feel wrong as a human being? Neither parents nor childhood nor any trauma are to blame. The real reason is found at the beginning of mankind and turns out to be the greatest blessing – when you take a closer look.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded May 11, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website: Too wrong for Heaven? How Adam and Eve find back into paradise.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Zu verkehrt für den Himmel? Wie Adam und Eva ins Paradies zurückfinden. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
You can, quite simply, discover and experience Heaven for yourself. Here, in this life, while living. A video about Jesus, gurus and the Samarpan Meditation.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded May 5, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website: Heaven is at Hand …for those who know its gate.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Der Himmel ist zum Greifen nah …für den, der seine Pforte kennt. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
The word "guru" usually means nothing good for Westerners: a seducer of humans, or at best a charlatan. But Jesus was also a guru, one of the greatest ever to walk the earth. We can see from him what a guru really is.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded May 2, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website: What is a Guru good for? Explanations on the example of Jesus.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Wozu ist ein Guru gut? Erläuterungen am Beispiel von Jesus. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Every single word of Jesus was misunderstood – but that is not surprising. We just can't understand through words what we do not know from our own experience. A video about how it is nevertheless possible that something completely new enters our lives.
This video by Dhyan Mikael was recorded May 1, 2023, thank you for this. Link to the video on his website: Hearing what can't be said: how the unteachable is being learned.
German Version:
This video is also available in German: Hören, was man nicht sagen kann – wie das Unlehrbare gelernt wird. Since Mikael speaks freely without script, both language versions can differ considerably.
When it gives you joy, then support Dhyan Mikael' videos. More information here.
Video with Mikael, which he published in May 2023.
Video with Mikael, which he published in May 2023.
I tell you about what is possible:
how life and doing happens
without the feeling of being the doer,
without fear and pressure, miraculously carried
by that which always was and always is.
This is the beginning of the
return to paradise
– while you are alive.
This is your possibility.
This is your goal.
It has never been easier.
Beautiful that you are here!
No matter where you are looking for happiness, you are on your way.
Mine began in 1993 when, at 30 years old, I consciously asked myself for the first time: how do I become happy? Seven years later I came across the spiritual master Soham, and in 2017 I finally met the Indian guru Shivkrupanand Swamiji.
Since then, very slowly, very gradually, questions turn into recognition – and into happiness. In reality, the way there is quite simple. And this is exactly what I talk about in my videos.
Let them accompany and encourage you in an entertaining, profound and possibly helpful way.
Your questions – my Inspiration
You can influence what I talk about in my videos. Write to me:
What is most important to you in your life right now? What moves you the most?
What would you like to hear me talk about?
And if you have a question about your path or your life situation, feel free to write me about that as well.
Your input and your questions are inspiration for me. I answer in a video so that all viewers may benefit from it.
This is how you can reach me:
Simply send an email with your message, audio or video to: contact@dhyanmikael.de And here more Information to the possibility to ask quesetions...
Website: https://dhyanmikael.de/en
Become a supporter: https://dhyanmikael.de/en/membership
All Videos from Dhyan Mikael at https://dhyanmikael.de/en/videos