This video by Dhyan Mikael is from November 10, 2024, thank you for that. Watch the video...
Dhyan Mikael about this video: You feel needy, and you think you know the problem. But when you solve it, you discover that the neediness remains, and you find a new problem as an explanation for the old dissatisfaction. Only those who know the true cause can discover what will satisfy forever.
This video by Dhyan Mikael is from October 18, 2024, thank you for that. Watch the video...
Dhyan Mikael about this video: There was a great response to the video on "Living without thoughts" – and many objections and questions, and I answer some of them in this part 2: Can you really live without thoughts? How do you ignore thoughts? What is so special about the crown chakra? And many more...
Live chat satsang with Dhyan Mikael from Oct. 2024 with English translation, thank you very much for that! Jetzt-TV is possible through your donations: . Watch the video…
Here-Now-TV the platform for satsang videos, festival film reports and interviews with spiritual teachers and wise human beings. Here-Now-TV has made its job to serve as mouthpiece for such humans in order that their often quiet voices are not submerged by the nowadays flood of information. More about our vision ...
These texts and links to videos has been on the starting side earlier.
This video is from March 2012. Thanks to Steffen Seifarth for offering to us this video for publishing on behalf of Hans Steinke. Watch the Video...
In this interview Unmani is answering questions asked by Devasetu in August 2010 in Cologne. Thanks to Sitara for the translation.
Thanks to all participants who gave their permission to publish their sharings which happened during several events with Samarpan in sprng 2012. Watch the videos...
Satsang with Cesar Teruel about choice, free will, conceptual thinking and covered silence. Recorded in May 2009 in Berlin.
This interview took place in March 2009 in Cologne. The questions were asked by Barbara and Jaya. The issues of this interview among other things are Tantra, the polarity of the mail and female principles, the evolution of men and weman and the society as a whole.
This video is from Mariam Nour. She lives in Libanon und she is well known there and in the Middle East because of her television programms. She is supporting the truth in a poetical and soft manner, but very consequent and without any compromise.
The video will open at Home of Live, the new cooperation partner of Jetzt-TV / Here-Now-TV. To the video...
The themes of this program are experiences with bodywork, conditionings, shyness, life as an adventure and the hopeless search for the ideal partner.
This Satsang took place during the “Naturheiltage” (“Days for Natural Healing”) in Oberhausen / Germany in July 2008. Translation by Maria Herschbach.
Watch the videos...
Here you can watch satsangs with Mike and Isaac Shapiro from 14th of May out of Amsterdam and former satsangs from Isaac.
These Satsangs videos were recorded during the Retreat with Samarpan in Hübenthal in January 2009.
This video was produced 2006 as an invitation to Amana Virani’s Phi seminars. Although this video refers from his content not to a current project of Amana Virani as for example to the Hoellbachhof project, this video nevertheless conveys her presence and charisma and her pointing to feel the as darkly experienced issues in us as well.
watch the video...
This interview took place during the Deutschen Wellnesstage in February 2009 in Baden-Baden. The questions by Devasetu.
And a music video with Satyaa und Pari from the Rainbow Spirit Festival 2008, produced by Sunrise Film. Thanks to Anunad from Sunrise Film for the permission to publish here.
watch the videos...
This interview took place during the Deutschen Wellnesstage in February 2009 in Baden-Baden. The questions by Devasetu.
And a music video with Satyaa und Pari from the Rainbow Spirit Festival 2008, produced by Sunrise Film. Thanks to Anunad from Sunrise Film for the permission to publish here.
watch the videos...
The video material is from Thomas Hübl’s representation-DVD "Sharing the Presence", recorded in La Palma 2007/2008. watch the Videos...
Once more sincere thanks to the Retreat participants, which gave their okay to publish their sharings from December 2008 in the internet at Here-Now-TV.
This Satsang with Ameen took place during the Rainbow Spirit Festival 2008 in Baden-Baden / Germany.
This film contribution consists of sharings of Retreats with Samarpan of the year 2008. Sincere thanks to the four Retreat participants, which gave their okay to publish the sharings in the internet at Here-Now-TV for the advantage for all of us.
This Interview took place in January 2008. It was recorded because of an explicit wish of Prajnaji to do so. In her life and in her view of love and relationship between man and woman something important had changed, so that she felt the squeeze to speak about it on Jetzt-TV. Questions and translation by Sitara.
From the DVD: "The Wonder of Being -An afternoon with Tony Parsons"
Thanks to TAO Cinemathek GmbH:
From the DVD: "Liberation – Satsang and Gathering with Ganga"
Thanks to Bliss Video Production:
The Challenge to make Peace with Everything
Joe Schraube did this interview in November 2008 in Dresden for Jetzt-TV (Here-Now-TV).
Satsang with Rick Linchitz at the Rainbow Spirit Festival in Baden-Baden in May 2008.
Premananda interviewed 16 Indian masters, asked to all the twelve equal questions concerning the teaching of Ramana Maharshi. From this developed a book, a film (as DVD) and an Internet video side. We show a 10 minute trailer from the film an interview that Devasetu did with Premananda and Darshana about this project.
The Divine – Closer to us than our Own Blood
This interview took place in Oberhausen (Germany) during the congress "Die Naturheiltage" in July 2008. watch the videos...
Love is to Give Everything into the Moment
This interview with Bernie Prior was done by Devasetu in June 2008 in Cologne, translated by Arjuna, Bernie’s manager for Germany.
The Deepening of the Capacity of Being Here Now
This interview was done by Ralf Mazen in June 2008 in London.
Kailash Kokopelli is a sound therapist, artist and inner world musician. He is also a photographer and teacher of Kailash Chi Movements and Songdances.
This film contribution consists of excerpts from several concerts and an interview that Kailash gave to the Free Spirit TV from South Africa.
Sincerity as Quality of the Heart
This Satsang was recorded during the "Naturheiltage" in Oberhausen / Germany in July 2008. watch the videos...
The Intention Just to Be
Tony Samara is a spiritual teacher who was born in England and grown up in Egypt. For several years he lived in a Zen Buddhist monastery and than ventured to the jungles of South America where he lived and studied among a community of Shamans. This Satsang took place in Oberhausen / Germany in July 2008.
Loving Everything – also the Mind
This interview with Byron Katie, the founder of "The Work", took place in July 2008 in Bad Neuenahr.
The Truth in the Depth of our Hearts in Every Moment
Bernie Prior is an internationally known Satsang Teacher, Tantric Master and Visionary. This Satsang took place in June 2008 in Germany.
Life – an Optical and Auditory Illusion of Light and Sound
During the Rainbow Spirit Festival 2008 in Baden-Baden Devasetu had the opportunity to interview Dr. Vijai S. Shankar. The second video is an excerpt from the talk “Movement”, which Dr. Shankar gave in September 2004.
The Loving Awareness in which All Occurs
Satsang with Rick Linchitz at the Rainbow Spirit Festival in Baden-Baden in May 2008.
The Expression of Sweet Ordinariness
This Interview was given in Tiruvannamalai (India) in 2008. Florian and his life companion Julia (in the video beside him) travel around the world untiringly inviting seekers to recognize in their own experience who they really are. watch the videos...
Further studies on cats by Niket Scherer, the (film-) maker of Blissvideo. Niket observed and filmed cats in Portugal (Algarve) for over three years. The present videos are excerpts from a double DVD.
The Certainty of Enlightenment
This interview took place in 2005 in Baden- Baden. watch the videos...
Living Every Moment as the Most Beloved!
Isaac Shapiro, born in 1950 in Johannesburg (South Africa) is one of the first Satsang teachers who regularly came to Europe. Sri Poonjaji encouraged Isaac in 1991 to share his wisdom with people. So he does in this video. watch the videos...
Your personal Satsang Video
Padma Wolff answers individual questions in Internet Video Satsang, which only the questioner can access. Padma is a psychologist and she understands psychotherapy in the etymologically original and literal sense of the word as accompanying the soul back to its origin – and back into its original state.
go to net answer (introductory video, details and contact form)...
Happiness is the true success, now!
Another satsang with the Brazilian Avinash. Amongst other things, she tells from her life - on their way to Osho, about her awakening, the story of an astrological meeting, but also on issues such as the sensitivity of the body after awakening and the sense of therapy.
Event with Arjuna Ardagh. In the second and third part of the video he "works" in his distinctive way with two participants.
Guru is the Self - Love is the only Thing
Satsang with Madhukar in Goa / India in January 2008.
Excerpts of Satsangs with Samarpan from Zürich (Switzerland) in February 2008 and from Munich and Lützelflüh in summer.
A short, professional film about the presence of silence. The film was created during a silent retreat with Florian Tathagata on Mallorca in May 2007.
Excerpt from a DVD with beautiful nature shots, lined with songs by Peter Makena and music by Chris Aigner.
Tyohar speaks about resting in the moment, the melting point with the ocean, living untouched by the mind, the question: “Who is in?”, about Osho and about the community Pachamana in Cost Rica. watch the videos...
"Early Teachings": Excerpts from satsang videos with Papaji from the years 1991-1993
Multi-instrumentalist and composer Prem Joshua is a pioneer in the field of World Music, exploring and creating a new synthesis in sound which takes us beyond the borders of both East and West. The following videos are excerpts from an open air concert in July 2007 in Hitdorf on the Rhine.
The freedom to be free
On her European tour this year, Gangaji was in Germany again for some satsang- and retreat sessions. These videos came to an open satsang evening in May 2007. Two weeks later, Gangagj gave an interview to Here-Now-TV. This interview can be viewed here too. watch the videos...
From the position of love
Devasetu interviewed Veeresh in May 2007 in the "Kurpark" in Baden-Baden during the Rainbow-Spirit-Festival. He talks among other things about ideal therapists, the responsibility to bring peace to this earth and about the youth. In the second part, Chandrika, the translator of the interview and leader of the youth program of the Humaniversity supplements its remarks (only in German from 7:40 to 11:15).
Visions of the Indigenous People of the Americas
In Mayan language, the "White Road" is called "Sac be" and stands for our divine union with God and the universe. The documentary, produced and funded on an entirely private initiative, shows the messages and wisdom of the ancient precolumbian cultures.
"The time has come to share our prophecies and sacred knowledge with the world." watch the trailer...
Cutout from the DVD "Live in Byron Bay"
Graced by ancient mantras, rich harmonies and sensual rhythms, Deva Premal and Miten's music explores the essence of love, devotion, and consciousness.
Among other things, Prajnaji speaks in the interview with Annette Weber and Devasetu about differences with women and men in the spirituality, about politicians and political offices, the consequences of German history and the role of the women after the 2nd World war. the interview was noted in May 2007 in Baden-Baden.
The ancient wisdom of self-inquiry
Premananda lived for 15 years in Osho's ashram in Pune and later five years with Papaji. He gave then first satsang in Australia and since 2003 at several places in Europe. Today he lives in the community Open Sky House in Hitdorf on the Rhine (Germany), which formed around him. Actually, approx. 20 adults and several children live there together.
This recorded Satsang is from October 2007.
The main issue is - as often with Samarpan - to feel really the feelings which are there.
Realizing to be always in the moment
Since early childhood the native Israeli Ameen had a longing for liberty, truth and authenticity. In 1998 his personality dissolved completely and awakening happened. After years of integration and understanding Ameen started teaching and giving satsang. The interview with Ameen is from May 2007. watch the videos...
No Person - and not separate from God!
This Satsang took place in May 2008.
Truth in simply-being
Video recording of a small, rather private satsang-circle with the native Brazilian Avinash. The satsang took place in September 2007 in Cologne.
The simplicity of life without conception of a separate individual
Rick Linchitz is a physician from New York, whose emphasis is in particular on pain therapy and cancer therapy. In former times he gave satsang together with Satyam Nadeen. Now that Nadeen is silent, Rick answers solitary to the questions, which are placed to him.
The Perfection in Everything
Extracts from two satsangs in June and July 2007. Samarpan talks about being misfit, the need of self- acceptance and about personal or impersonal love.
The Call Home
Since many years Gangaji gives satsang, world-wide. The current interview was given to Devasetu and Maitri between two Retreats in Germany in June 2007.
The videos with Samarpan were produced at the Rainbow-Spirit-Festival in Baden-Baden.